New Asustor NAS. Why won’t the surveillance center load?
Hey guys. I ordered an ASUSTOR NAS and it finally came in! I'm so excited to start hosting my own things! So everything is going pretty smoothly so far. I got home assistant running. My plex is being migrated now. The next thing is getting my Reolink doorbell (IP cam) to start working. I can have it save data to it's local microSD, but I've got a new NAS. With the back story done, the problem I'm having is that their software "surveillance center" seems to be broken. I installed it (yes, I already tried uninstalling and re-installing), and all it does is show 4 black screens with a tab at the top for "live view, settings, and logs". The problem is that none of the tabs do anything. Like I click, no response. Can't configure settings if you can't get to the screen. Anyway, does anyone have any ideas? I can do FTP/FTPS with the camera, but I was hoping to use the built in software. Thanks! Side note: fuck Spez for making so I can't read reddit posts for help.
fedilink 2.4.0 released
Hey guys, version 2.4.0 of []( was just released. The biggest change is the improved drag-and-drop experience, which feels much better to use. For touch devices it was fully overhauled, since it was not really working before (which is embarrassing tbh). You can see below a comparison between the previous version and the current release. Previous: ![]( New release: ![]( []( is a self-hosted, Markdown file based task management board. It's like a kanban board that uses your filesystem as a database, so you can manipulate all cards within the app or change them directly through a text editor, changing them in one place will reflect on the other one. You can see below the main changes included in the new release. * Feature: Greatly improves drag and drop experience: New swap animations, visual indications and better interactions for touch and mobile devices; * Feature: Adds autoscroll when you drag cards and lanes partially out their container; * Bugfix: Fix touch and navigation on touch devices; * Bugfix: Fix issue where navigation bar outgrows lanes; * Bugfix: Prevents saving card name with invalid characters; * Bugfix: Fix some smaller issues; * Documentation: Remind user to hard-reload the browser after changing a theme.
21 2.4.0 released

Trying to figure out the best way to set up a self hosted matrix server.
I have been trying to set this up for the past 2 days and I am losing my mind. The issue I seem to be having is that synapse cannot find the necessary postgres information in the the database. I have been trying to setup a docker container for it but to no avail. The container just continues to restart. When I check docker logs it seems like it cannot find the database info it needs but its there. I deleted the sqlite3 info so it most certainly isn't still using that. Is there possibly a casaos friendly version of matrix? Is there an easy to follow tutorial for docker matrix and duckdns? Any help would be appreciated.

OS recommendations
Its new homelab time. And with that, potentially a new OS time too. I currently am very happy with Debian and Docker. The only issue is I am brand new to using data redundancy. I have a 2 bay NAS I'll use, and I want the two HDDs to be in raid 1. Now I could definitely just use ZFS or BTRFS with Debian, and be able to use Docker just like I do currently. Or I could use a dedicated NAS OS. That would help me with the raid part of this, but a requirement is Docker. Any recommendations?

immich SSO migration path for existing user?
I'm an immich user, switching from a standard u/p login to an SSO-based login. I've tested the SSO login successfully, it seems to work, and I'm not having any issues with that. However, the account generated by SSO login has a different email address and identifiers from the account I created earlier. I don't want to start from scratch with my photos, as I've spent countless hours updating metadata. I think I need one of the following: 1. a supported, tested way to merge an account with another account. I don't know if this is going to be similar to the "partner sharing" feature. I don't want to simply share the photos, I want to have full control over them; including, if I delete a photo, it's gone forever. 2. a tested way to manually update the database to change all identifiers over to the new account 3. a way to login to the existing account via my SSO portal. I can create any SSO user I want, for example. 4. a way to export the entire library with metadata and re-import it to the new SSO account, structured exactly the same way. Ideally this would also restore anything ML has done with my photos, but it's not a disaster if I have to wait for ML to recreate what it already did in the new account. Does anyone have information on how to achieve one of the above? Followup question: - can anyone confirm with certainty that metadata changes I made in immich have been saved in the image files in `/library/upload/*`? I am already making backups (both pg_dump and the entire contents of the library), but it would be nice to know where the metadata is actually kept, in case I have to do DR.

Why is Google takeout so bitchy?
Sorry but I can't think of another word for it right now. This is mostly just venting but also if anyone has a better way to do it I wouldn't hate to hear it. I'm trying to set up a home server for all of our family photos. We're on our way to de-googling, and part of the impetus for the change is that our Google Drive is almost full.We have a few hundred gigs of photos between us. The problem with trying to download your data from Google is that it will only allow you to do so in a reasonable way through Google takeout. First you have to order it. Then you have to wait anywhere from a few hours to a day or two for Google to "prepare" the download. Then you have one week before the takeout "expires." That's one week to the minute from the time of the initial request. I don't have some kind of fancy California internet, I just have normal home internet and there is just no way to download a 50gig (or 2 gig) file in one go - there are always intrruptions that require restarting the download. But if you try to download the files too many times, Google will give you another error and you have to start over and request a new takeout. Google doesn't let you download the entire archive either, you have to select each file part individually. I can't tell you how many weeks it's been that I've tried to download all of the files before they expire, or google gives me another error.

Broadcom yanks ESXi Free version, effective immediately
I'd expected this but it still sucks.

With free esxi over, not shocking bit sad, I am now about to move away from a virtualisation platform i’ve used for a quarter of a century. Never having really tried the alternatives, is there anything that looks and feels like esxi out there? I don’t have anything exceptional I host, I don’t need production quality for myself but in all seriousness what we run at home end up at work at some point so there’s that aspect too. Thanks for your input!

Over the last two months, I developed wanderer. It is a self-hosted alternative to sites like or in other words a self-hosted trail database. It started out more as a small hobby project to teach myself some new technologies but in the end, I decided to develop it into a fully-fledged application. Core Features: - Manage your trails - Extensive map integration and visualization - Share trails with other people and explore theirs - Advanced filter and search functionality - Create custom lists to organize your trails further - Chique design with a dark and light theme - Fully mobile compatible wanderer is completely open-source. You can find the GitHub repo here: []( wanderer is still under active development so if you encounter any bugs/errors or have suggestions please let me know here or open an issue on GitHub.

What do you prefer to selfhost?
I've been around selfhosting most of my life and have seen a variety of different setups and reasons for selfhosting. For myself, I don't really self host as mant services for myself as I do infrastructure. I like to build out the things that are usually invisible to people. I host some stuff that's relatively visible, but most of my time is spent building an over engineered backbone for all the services I could theoretically host. For instance, full domain authentication and oversight with kerberized network storage, and both internal and public DNS. The actual services I host? Mail and vaultwarden, with a few (i.e. < 3) more to come. I absolutely do not need the level of infrastructure I need, but I honestly prefer that to the majority of possible things I could host. That's the fun stuff to me; the meat and potatoes. But I know some people do focus more on the actual useful services they can host, or on achieving specific things with their self hosting. What types of things do you host and why?

After thinking for about a year about it I decided to rename the project to 🚀NetAlertX. This will help prevent confusion about which fork someone is using, and differentiate it from the now stale upstream project. With about 1800 or so commits over the stale project, I thought, this project deserved a new name. It will also remove the confusion about only supporting Raspberry Pi's 😵 On top of the rename, I implemented ✨unlimited icons - just find an SVG you like and use it 😄. The rename from PiAlert to NetAlertX should be pretty straightforward and existing setups should work fine, no manual migration steps should be necessary. Still, caution is recommended. Check this thread for edge-cases and the guide if you decide to change your docker-compose.

So SBCs are shit now? Anything I can do with my collection of Pis and old routers?
I dunno when it happened but I swear SBCs were the *new best thing* in the universe for a while and everyone was building cool little servers with their RockPis and OrangePis. Now it's all gone x86 and Proxmox with everyone shitting on Arm. What happened? What gives? Is my small army of xPis pointless? What about my 2 Edge routers? I've got about 6 xPis scattered round my flat - is there anything worth doing with them or should I just bin them? All thoughts, feelings and information welcome. Thank you.

Photofield v0.15.0 released: Google Photos alternative, now zoomier than ever! Plus related image search, map view, arm64, tags (alpha), and more!
Hi all! I'd like to share some slow, but steady progress I've made on my self-hosted personal photo gallery - a Google Photos alternative. It's been a while since I last posted any updates - the last time was [about v0.9.2 on /r/selfhosted](, so it's actually my first post here. ### What's new? Lots of things! Here's a quick summary: * **New website!** []( - bonus, it's embedded in every install, in fact, even the website is just hosted from the app itself. 😎 * **UX polish** - lots of small improvements, like [better interaction &amp; fixed video controls]( and [better error messages &amp; autoreloading config]( * **Zoomier than ever** - since [v0.15.0]( when you zoom into a photo, it zooms the whole scene! This wasn't the case for a few versions due to a technical detour, but I found a way to get it back without too many compromises. * **Related image search** - you can [Find Similar Images]( now, using the same AI functionality as the semantic image search. * **Map view** - you can [see your photos on a map]( Still has some quirks, so make sure to zoom in first. [To be improved]( * **Reverse geolocation** - you can see the [location of a photo in the timeline view]( Completely local, using [tinygpkg]( * **Tags (alpha)** - you can [tag your photos]( now. Quite basic for now, but should be a good foundation for [things to come]( * **ARM Docker images** - since [v0.14.1]( the published Docker images are multiarch - x64 and arm64, including [photofield-ai]( Makes it possible to run on cheaper, ARM-based servers, and faster on M1/M2/M3 Macs. ### Show me the demo Now hosted on Hetzner's arm64-based CAX11 - 2 vCPUs &amp; 4 GB of RAM - the cheapest one. The photos are © by their authors. Since migrating to the CAX11, it only uses one size of internally pregenerated sqlite-based thumbnails, taking up roughly 4% of the disk space of originals. Support for Synology Moments thumbnails is still there, but doesn't seem as crucial as before. ### How do I try it out? It's very low commitment, a single executable or Docker image that you can mount with read-only access to an existing file structure, see [Quick Start]( (also [on GitHub]( if the website is dead). ### Another one??? Why? It's a conspiracy to increase fragmentation and increase shareholder value of big tech companies. 😄 Jokes aside, I think there is some space for a fast, self-contained, extremely easy to deploy solution. But mainly, it's to scratch my developer itch and I get to learn new things. ### Thanks Thanks to everyone who's been using it, contributing, and giving feedback! See also [foss_photo_libraries]( for alternatives if this doesn't fit your needs. Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see next! 🙏

What are the most paranoid network/OS security measures you’ve implemented in your homelab?
As the title says, I want to know the most paranoid security measures you've implemented in your homelab. I can think of SDN solutions with firewalls covering every interface, ACLs, locked-down/hardened OSes etc but not much beyond that. I'm wondering how deep this paranoia can go (and maybe even go down my own route too!). Thanks!

6 servers were decomissioned, Iwas able to only get the disks, RAM, CPUs and Network Card. The total of this is : 88 x 8TB SAS disks 44 x 16GB RAM sticks (half 2133, half 2400) 6 x v3 Xeon e3 2630 6 x v4 Xeon e5 2640 3 x 10 GB PCIe dual port cards 12 x 1U heatsink I'm really lucky to have all of these, even if I don't have a use for all of that for now (except some of the disks) EDIT: Forgot to mention: All of this for free, I work in a datacenter!

*What rights do you have to the digital movies, TV shows and music you buy online? That question was on the minds of Telstra TV Box Office customers this month after the company announced it would shut down the service in June. Customers were told that unless they moved over to another service, Fetch, they would no longer be able to access the films and TV shows they had bought. *

Looking for Cloud Storage Replacement, but I don’t like NextCloud
I'm looking for something to replace cloud storage for myself and family. I've tried to use/like NextCloud but honestly I despise it. The UI/UX really bothers me, and administering it is a pain. It also just does way more that I want or need. **What I'm looking for:** - Supports a virtual/sync folder on Mac. Like iCloud does, it needs to create a local folder on a Mac. I personally just use SMB, but for family members that's not as easy (see next point). - Accessible from the internet. I don't want to put my family members on the VPN, but I do have a central OAuth for other stuff so I want it to be secured with behind that. - Doesn't need to have a web interface or phone app. If it integrates into the computer, it doesn't really need this. I can just use (FileBrowser)[]. It's mostly used for documents and the like, so desktop/laptop use is the most important. Anyone use anything that fits this? Or anyone in general dislike NextCloud and use something else? Edit: Maybe I can just setup webdav and use something like Would be better to find something FOSS though, if possible.

What Router can you recommend?
Hi, I got a new router from my ISP, but it doesn't even have an option to change the address of the DNS server... So I'm gonna switch (if necessary also the ISP). I have never used a custom router, so I would appreciate a push in the right direction. What can you recommend? Synology? FritzBox? Asus? Bridge Mode on the ISP router + RasPi? The following I am running on a separate device, but if possible it would be nice to have it directly on the router device: * PiHole * Wireguard * DDNS updater

[Question] RaspPi5 with Pi-Hole, Tailscale and Traefik
Hi all, I just got a Raspberry Pi 5 and I'm about to do my first setup, but it's a jungle to understand everything as a 'noob'. My plan is to install the following: - Pi-hole - Tailscale - Traefik I want to achieve DNS ad blocking and access to all my services on my laptop and phone. Would these services achieve this? Do they work together? And am I missing something to make it work? Sorry if this is plain stupid to ask, but I can't seem to find anything where all 3 is used together.

[Solved] Self Hosted Calendar
Hi, everyone! For several years, I've relied on NextCloud as a substitute for Google services. The time has come to say goodbye and move on in life. I've decided to replace my NextCloud instance with separate services for files, calendar, photos, notes, and to-do lists. I've already found alternatives for all services, except for the calendar. Does anyone have experience with FOSS projects that would allow me to self-host a calendar? I'm looking for something that supports CalDAV, has its own (pretty) user interface (webui), caters to multiple users, and supports multiple calendars. And if anyone is interested in the alternatives I've found for each NextCloud component, here's the list: NextCloud Files -> [File Browser]( NextCloud Notes -> [Joplin]( NextCloud Photos -> [Immich]( NextCloud Tasks -> [Vikunja]( NextCloud Calendar -> *???***___** # Edit: In the end, I used [Radicale]( software. I deployed it in a docker container and it worked almost right out of the box.

Linux distro for selfhosting server
So I have been running a fair amount of selfhosted services over the last decade or so. I have always been running this on a Ubuntu LTS distribution running on a intel NUC machine. Most, if not all of my services run in a docker container, and using a docker compose file that brings everything up. The server is headless. I connect over ssh into a tmux config so I am always ready to go. Ubuntu has been my stable server choice over the years. I've made the upgrade from 16, 18, 20 and 22 LTS release and everything has kept working. I even upgraded the hardware (old NUC to a new NUC) and just imaged the disk from the old one onto the new machine, and the server kept chugging along quite nicely, after I configured the hardware (specifically the Intel QuickSync for hardware transcoding in the Plex container). Since Ubuntu has been transitioning from a really open community driven effort into a commercial enterprise, I feel it may be time to look at other distributions. On the other hand, it will require a fair amount of work to make the switch. But if it needs to be done, than so be it. I guess I am looking for opinions on what Linux distribution would fit my particular use case, and am wondering what most of us here are running. TLDR; What stable, long term supported Linux distributions do you recommend for a headless server running a stack of docker containers?

Hello everybody, Daniel here! I'm back with some huge updates for Linkwarden. Before we start, we'd like to express our sincere thanks to all of our [Cloud]( subscription users. Your support is crucial to our growth and allows us to continue improving. Thank you for being such an important part of our journey. 🚀 ## What's new? --- ### 🗂 Added support for Sub-Collections Our most requested feature, you can now create sub-collections to better organize your links! You can create sub-collections by dragging and dropping collections on top of each other or by clicking the "Create Sub-Collection" button in the collection menu. *Note: This feature has just been released, expect some minor bugs. We're still working on improving it.* ![Subcollection feature]( ### ✅ Bulk Actions Make bulk changes to your links with ease. You can now delete, move, or tag multiple links at once. To use this feature, simply click the pencil icon right beside the sort button and select the links you want to modify. ### 📲 Installable Progressive Web App (PWA) Step up to a smoother, app-like interface with Linkwarden now as an installable PWA for mobile and desktop devices. You can install the PWA by following the instructions in the [Docs]( ### 🍏 iOS Shortcut You can now easily save links to Linkwarden right from the share sheet on iOS. Just tap the share button, select "Save to Linkwarden", and you're done! You can get the shortcut by following the instructions in the [Docs]( ### 🔑 API Keys Unlock new integration possibilities by creating a new API key in the settings, facilitating automated workflows and enhanced efficiency. ### 🔗 Customizable Link Actions You can now choose what happens when you click a link. Choose to open the original link, the preserved PDF, the preserved screenshot, or the preserved readable format. ### 🚫 Duplicate Link Prevention Prevent adding the same links. This feature can be enabled in the settings. ### 📌 Pin links as a member You can now pin links to your dashboard even if you're a member of a team and you don't own the collection. ### 🛠️ Refactored importing functionality We've refactored the importing functionality to make it more reliable and efficient. It now also supports sub-collections! ------ If you like what we're doing, you can support the project by either starring ⭐️ the repo to make it more visible to others or by subscribing to the [Cloud]( plan (which helps the project, a lot). Feedback is always welcome, so feel free to share your thoughts! Website: []( GitHub: Read the blog: [](

How dumb would it be to run single-node ceph?
I really want to run ceph because it fits a number of criteria I have: gradually adding storage, mismatched disks, fault tolerance, erasure encoding, encryption, support out-of-the-box from other software (like Incus). But then I look at the hardware suggestions, and they seem like an up-front investment and ongoing cost to keep at least three machines evenly matched on RAM and physical storage. I also want more of a single-box NAS. Would it be idiotic to put a ceph setup all on one machine? I could run three mons on it with separate physical device backing each so I don't lose everything from a disk failure with those. I'm not too concerned about speed or network partitioning, this would be lukewarm storage for me.

Docker or podman?
I would love to hear everyone's opinion.

This is from last month, but I haven't seen any discussion of it. Seems like Forgejo is now a hard fork of Gitea, instead of being a soft fork like it was over the previous year. The main reason I'm posting it now is this: "As such, if you were considering upgrading to Forgejo, we encourage you to do that sooner rather than later, because as the projects naturally diverge further, doing so will become ever harder. It will not happen overnight, it may not even happen soon, but eventually, Forgejo will stop being a drop-in replacement."

What’s a simple logging service?
Hiya, I'm looking to keep track of my different services in hosting via Unraid. Right now I'm hosting roughly 12 different services, but would be nice to have the logs of all my services in one place, preferably with a nice GUI. Are there any such services that could easily connect to the different docker containers I have running? Appreciate any suggestions 🙌

Can someone explain to me why NAT is not enough for security?
Networking noob here. I want to prevent all incoming requests except through a specific port, and that traffic is forwarded to a specific device on the network. NAT seems to do that just fine, it's almost like a kind of firewall by itself. What kind of threats are there that requires more than just NAT for security?

Good mini PC for around 100€
My current setup consists of a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4gb RAM and a 1tb external SSD. I'm thinking of getting a used mini PC for around 100€ to replace that tho because it would give me a lot more power and especially RAM (I currently need to use an 8gb swap file). My plan so far is to get a used mini PC that's quiet, has a built-in SSD and at least 8gb of RAM (16 would be better). Because of the built-in SSD, I could also sell the external SSD and buy an 8-12tb HDD instead. Does anyone have recommendations for what mini PC to get or things that I should look out for? Edit: Thanks for all the help! I decided on the Firebat T8 Pro Plus with 16gb RAM and 512gb internal storage because that really seems to be perfect for my use case.

cross-posted from: > There's a new version of [Nephele WebDAV server]( (also on [Docker Hub]( that supports using an S3 compatible server as storage and encrypting filenames and file contents. > > This essentially means you can build your own cloud storage server leveraging something like Backblaze B2 for $6/TB/month, and that data is kept private through encryption. That's cheaper than Google Drive, _and_ no one can snoop on your files.

  • Kaldo
  • edit-2
Beginner looking for NAS advice
I'm looking for advice on how to get started with a NAS, probably Synology since it's beginner friendly and often well recommended. I'm thinking of a 2 bay case with 2x4TB HDDs in RAID1 setup. What do I have to look out for in a device to get the best bang for my bucks? My use case: I have various documents, software projects, family pictures, videos that I want to store on something more reliable than a bunch of internal/external HDDs or USB sticks. I have a full \*arr stack and jellyfin but I want to move these to my "server" laptop and docker once NAS is setup, and then host the files on it. For projects I might want to self-host gitea down the line. Some more specific questions: 1. if I go with a 2 bay NAS case, can i also connect my old external drive to it as a separate drive, can they handle USB3 drives? Will it require reformatting since it was used on windows so far? 2. are there any issues with connecting docker ~~drives~~ volumes to a NAS? 3. noise issues - does the NAS itself make a noticeable amount of noise or is it just the drives? 4. whats the life expectancy of a NAS? if it dies, can I just plug the drives into a new one? 5. does syncthing work well with a NAS or is there a better way of syncing local files to the NAS for backup? Sorry for the question dump, just wanted to cover as many possible issues as possible 😅

cross-posted from: > Ente - Open sourcing our server

What is your preferred method for backing up several TB of data?
What storage software could I run to have an archive of my personal files (a couple TB of photos) that doesn't require I keep a full local copy of all the data? I like the idea of a simple and focused tool like Syncthing, but they seem to be angling towards replication. Is the simple choice to run some S3-like backend and use CLI or other client to append and browse files? I'd love something with fault tolerance that someone can gradually add disks to. If ceph were either less complicated or used less resources I'd want to do that.

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    A place to share alternatives to popular online services that can be self-hosted without giving up privacy or locking you into a service you don’t control.


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