• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 31, 2023


Podman is not yet ready for mainstream, in my experience

My experience varies wildly from yours, so please don’t take this bit as gospel.

Have yet to find a container that doesn’t work perfectly well in podman. The options may not be the same. Most issues I’ve found with running containers boil down to things that would be equally a problem in docker. A sample:

  • “rootless” containers are hard to configure. It can almost always be fixed with “–privileged” or some combination of permission flags. This would be equally true for docker; the only meaningful difference is podman tries to push everything into rootless. You don’t have to.
  • network filesystems cause headaches, especially smbfs + sqlite app. I’ve had to use NFS or ext4 inside a network-mounted image for some apps. This problem is identical for docker.
  • container networking–for specific cases–needs to managed carefully. These cases are identical for docker.

And that’s it. I generally run things once from the podman command line, then use podlet to create a quadlet out of that configuration, something you can’t do with docker. If you are having any trouble with running containers under podman, try the --privileged shortcut, see that it works, and then double back if you think you really need rootless.

Thanks! I’ll try this and report back. This sounds like a version of (#1) - merge accounts.

immich SSO migration path for existing user?
I'm an immich user, switching from a standard u/p login to an SSO-based login. I've tested the SSO login successfully, it seems to work, and I'm not having any issues with that. However, the account generated by SSO login has a different email address and identifiers from the account I created earlier. I don't want to start from scratch with my photos, as I've spent countless hours updating metadata. I think I need one of the following: 1. a supported, tested way to merge an account with another account. I don't know if this is going to be similar to the "partner sharing" feature. I don't want to simply share the photos, I want to have full control over them; including, if I delete a photo, it's gone forever. 2. a tested way to manually update the database to change all identifiers over to the new account 3. a way to login to the existing account via my SSO portal. I can create any SSO user I want, for example. 4. a way to export the entire library with metadata and re-import it to the new SSO account, structured exactly the same way. Ideally this would also restore anything ML has done with my photos, but it's not a disaster if I have to wait for ML to recreate what it already did in the new account. Does anyone have information on how to achieve one of the above? Followup question: - can anyone confirm with certainty that metadata changes I made in immich have been saved in the image files in `/library/upload/*`? I am already making backups (both pg_dump and the entire contents of the library), but it would be nice to know where the metadata is actually kept, in case I have to do DR.

Gluetun is kind of a wrapper around wireguard or openvpn, that greatly simplifies setup and configurability.

I have a VM that runs wireguard to airvpn, in a container made of gluetun. Then you share that container’s network with a qbittorrent container (or pick your torrent) and an nzbget container (or pick your nzb downloader). Tada, your downloaders are VPN’d forever.

Thanks! Yeah, figuring out how to get gluetun working properly with a vpn and downloaders was a chore and a half. Glad I got that sorted, now I feel pretty confident I can punch a mobile app through into the network pretty easily.

Personal music servarr with a mobile app?
I've been on Tidal for years, but it's frustrating to use for lots of reasons (they only pay their artists slightly better than Spotify, streaming services are flaky, works poorly with my DLNA home speakers). I'm looking for something I can selfhost with the following features, and I would appreciate any suggestions in this direction: - integrates with downloading services (nzbget and qbittorrent; or better yet prowlarr) - has a suggestions/radio/mix feature, or integrates well with something that does. I currently use jellyseerr for other kinds of media, so something in that vein. - has a mobile app which lets me download all the tracks I want, or integrates with one that does. Big bonus points if the mobile app can play to DLNA speakers. A bit about my lab: - Proxmox-based, lots of VMs and containers on 2 different cluster nodes. Lots of underprovisioned RAM in the cluster. Nodes run Fedora and I'm partial to quadlets, but I can convert anything to a quadlet if I need to. - Airvpn port tunneling is available to me. TIA!

So in the, let’s say, top one-third tier of the options, something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Beelink-SER5-Mini-PC-Desktop-Computer/dp/B0C286SR8V/ref=pd_ci_mcx_pspc_dp_d_2_i_1?pd_rd_i=B0C286SR8V

Or, similarly, this, which is my current mediaserver: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C1X191NR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

I went with the second one–more ram. Anecdotally, some people think beelink is more reliable but this is not a universal opinion, and my experience has been that the minisforum is extremely reliable.

If you search similar you can find options both up and down depending on your actual budget. You probably don’t want to do components on these things, apart from maybe putting in a bigger m.2 nvme.

Mine is running on one of these https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYZC4SMW which exceeds your specs by quite a bit. They have substantially cheaper models closer to your range, I’ll bet you can find something.

I haven’t had mine for very long but so far it’s been A+.

Oof. Devs, don’t talk to customers or users like this. Ever. You have no idea what’s actually going on at the other end of the conversation. “Sorry we couldn’t help you,” is all this person needed to say, but now a whole bunch of people are going to stay the hell away from OST paid subs.