• 12 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 17, 2023

Invidous auto add to playlist
I have my own invidious instance, and i want all the new videos from my subscriptions to automatically get added to a playlist. Anyone know how do do this?

TV with infared sensor (mac mini)
inspired by [this post](https://lemmy.world/post/19197953) I have aac mini with an infared reciever on it. I'd love to use it as a TV PC. And ideally an infared remote too. I am looking for software recommendations for this, as I've done basically no research. What's my best option? Linux with kodi? How would a remote connect / which software is required for the remote to work?? Thanks!

Database hosting?
Say I have a large txt or CSV file with data I want to search. And say I have several files. What is the best way to index and make this data searchable? I've been using grep, but it is not ideal. Is there any self hostable docker container for indexing and searching this? Or maybe should I use SQL?

OS recommendations
Its new homelab time. And with that, potentially a new OS time too. I currently am very happy with Debian and Docker. The only issue is I am brand new to using data redundancy. I have a 2 bay NAS I'll use, and I want the two HDDs to be in raid 1. Now I could definitely just use ZFS or BTRFS with Debian, and be able to use Docker just like I do currently. Or I could use a dedicated NAS OS. That would help me with the raid part of this, but a requirement is Docker. Any recommendations?

Nginx pihole and pfsense issue
I have nginx up and working with pihole and its great. I can get to: https://dashy.homelab.duckdns.org/ On my PC but not my phone. On my phone, pfsense blocks it and says "Potential DNS Rebind attack detected, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_rebinding Try accessing the router by IP address instead of by hostname." Why? I've disconnected and reconnected to WiFi, and waited a day.

Server HDD selction
I'm looking for 16TB HDDs. They'll be for fairly light usage. Immich will be the heaviest thing running on it. New? Used? Certified? Like [this](https://serverpartdeals.com/collections/manufacturer-recertified-drives?sort=price-ascending&pf_t_interface_type=interface%3ASATA&pf_t_capacity=capacity%3A16TB)?

btrfs drive replacement
Referencing: https://lemmy.world/post/17588348 I want to make a NAS with a 500GB boot drive and 2x16TB HDDs. Based on my previous post, btrfs is a good option. It also looks easy to get started. My plan for the NAS would be to purchase several 16TB drives, and only use 2 of them. My first question is about different drives. Could I purchase two different brand drives and use them with btrfs? (I assume yes) 2nd question: how does the replacement process go? Like if drive A died, so I remove it, and put a brand new replacement in. What do I have to do with btrfs to get the raid 1 back going? Any links or guides would be amazing.

Server build for Family
Goal: - 16TB mirrored on 2 drives (raid 1) - Hardware raid? - Immich, Jellyfin and Nextcloud. (All docker) - N100, 8+ GB RAM - 500gb boot drive ssd - 4 HDD bays, start with using 2 Questions: - Which os? - My though was to use hardware raid, and just set that up for the 2 hdds, then boot off an ssd with Debian (very familiar, and use it for current server which has 30+ docker containers. Basically I like and am good at docker so would like to stick to Debian+docker. But if hardware raid isn't the best option for HDDs now a days, I'll learn the better thing) - Which drives? Renewed or refurb are half the cost, so should I buy extra used ones, and just be ready to swap when the fail? - Which motherboard? - Which case?

HTTPS on homelab (just locally)
I want my self hosted things to use https. For example, I have Jellyfin installed via docker, and I want it to use https instead of http. I don't care about necessarily doing this the "right" way, as I won't be making Jellyfin or any other service public, and will only be using it on my local network. What is the easiest way to do this? Assume everything I host is in docker. Also a link to a tutorial would be great. Thanks!

YouTube downloader
Looking for a docker containers or program to run on my server that looks at my list of subscribers (from google takeout or newpipe etc) and downloads them automatically. Ideally there'd be an option to delete after watching, and a nice interface to watch the videos as well. --- Does anything like this exist? Thanks!

Alright, is there any way to have it only select new photos? I.e. I turn on syncing, and every photo after this point in time is uploaded. Or do I have to upload them all. FYI there is ~200GB of photos/videos on the phone

Hmm interesting. Maybe I’ll have to do more testing.

It is bridged as you described by default. The issue is the switch cannot install a VPN client.

No, every version of Minecraft except PlayStation allows connecting to external servers.

Nock-nock seems to do this. Trying now

Edit: it works great

Edit: Nock-nock has a few too many false positives for me. Website monitor seems to be better.

iMessage (air message or bluebubbles)
Have any of you android users setup an iMessage server such as [BoueBubbles](https://bluebubbles.app/) or [AirMessage](https://airmessage.org/)? Or some similar? If so, how well does it work? Is only an apple account required? Do apple users send your email an iMessage? Also, was it easy to setup? Thanks!!!

Okay this seems neat. Would this be usable for a home network?

Yea I think intrusion detection is what I want. I’ll have a look at that page, but I may end up just going with pfsense one day.

I guess I’m not 100% sure. Which would I need/which would increase security?

make dumb TV work with subscriptions
I have a dumb TV, and a spare computer. I want a nice easy way to interface with several services. (Jellyfin, disney+ etc) I know of Kodi, but really dislike the interface. I know I could get a USB keyboard/mouse remote thing, but that isn't very elegent. Is there a simpler solution to this?