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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Excel / OnlyOffice?

I love self-hosted tools, but you can do a lot on a spreadsheet.

Btw, if the files are not too large, you can query them using SQL without even hosting a database just by using Pandas. This avoids the problem of updating entries and handling migrations in case the CSVs change over time.

that might work; I don’t know if you live in a remote area, but I’d also consider a coffee shop, library, university, or hotel lobby with wifi. You might be able to download it within an hour.

A 50GB download takes less than 12h on a 10Mbps internet. And I had a 10Mbps link 10 years ago in a third world country, so maybe check your options with your ISP. 50GB really should not be a problem nowadays.

I’d look into AV1 decoding benchmarks, regardless of NVIDIA vs AMD, as I’ve been using NVIDIA on Jellyfin for a while with no issues.

HEVC is not as relevant IMO, as it’s not available through browsers due to license restrictions (ffmpeg / mpv works fine), so I’d focus on AV1 capabilities, which is not available in many cards.

yes, a bind mount / bind volume is when a volume is explicitly mapped to a location in your local storage rather than managed by docker and likely owned by root.


Bind mounts. Always use bind mounts for data you care about, otherwise the “managed by docker” volumes are fated to be forgotten.

It won’t be your file structure as the file tree is managed by paperless, but at least using bind mounts you can easily navigate files and back them up independently or docker and paperless.

I solved this last week by using Easy Effects and enabling AutoGain as an output effect.

I created them in the same compose but will probably split them up soon. There’s no point in having them in the same file: *arr services and jacket interact with each other, but Jellyfin is its own thing and I often want/need to restart it alone. They’re best as 2 separate stacks imo.

as an alternative to tailscale, you can set up a Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel and create user identities for your friends so they log in using their email (one-time PIN), Google, etc. It’s what I use to access my home lab from anywhere.

If there is a web service running on this server (e.g. at localhost:8080), I don’t think your friends will need to install anything. You’ll then create a zero trust application that maps this localhost port to a subdomain (e.g. files.example.com), make sure the application requires authentication.

In the server, you can run a web UI file sharing, like SFTPGo, exposed to that port 8080:

docker run --name some-sftpgo -p 8080:8080 -p 2022:2022 -d "docker.io/drakkan/sftpgo:latest"

Then try accessing your files.example.com by logging in.

When it’s identifying Bly Manor as Hill House, go to the “Shows” section, find the wrongly labeled “Bly Manor” > three dots menu > Identify > Enter the correct TMDB ID and save/apply.

If it didn’t update, click on the three dots again > “Refresh Metadata”.

just a user of an instance saying things about that instance - I would find the opposite weird.