
  • 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 15, 2023

Hi, I am planning to purchase a 2.5-inch HDD. If I connect it to my computer using a SATA to USB adapter instead of directly to the computer's SATA, can it somehow affect the result of this scan? I apologize for my ignorance but I couldn't find an answer to this question anywhere

Please, just don’t. It’s pain in ass

Please text me when you are done! I am very excited to see the results :)

[Solved] Self Hosted Calendar
Hi, everyone! For several years, I've relied on NextCloud as a substitute for Google services. The time has come to say goodbye and move on in life. I've decided to replace my NextCloud instance with separate services for files, calendar, photos, notes, and to-do lists. I've already found alternatives for all services, except for the calendar. Does anyone have experience with FOSS projects that would allow me to self-host a calendar? I'm looking for something that supports CalDAV, has its own (pretty) user interface (webui), caters to multiple users, and supports multiple calendars. And if anyone is interested in the alternatives I've found for each NextCloud component, here's the list: NextCloud Files -> [File Browser]( NextCloud Notes -> [Joplin]( NextCloud Photos -> [Immich]( NextCloud Tasks -> [Vikunja]( NextCloud Calendar -> *???***___** # Edit: In the end, I used [Radicale]( software. I deployed it in a docker container and it worked almost right out of the box.

Okay. Where do you buy the disks?

Can I use two different drives?
I am building a NAS in RAID 1 (Mirror) mode. Should I buy 2 of the same drive from the same manufacturer? or does it not matter so much?

Oh, okay! thanks for the clarification. What are you using for incremental backups?

Ok, why syncthing and not rsync? Also, duplication should not be threated as backup.

Uncommon Syncthing usecases
What are you non-obvious, maybe strange usecases of Syncthing? For example syncing the media library with your friend or maybe your entire /home/user folder between your PC and laptop? I'd love to hear your ideas!

How do you manage your music library?
Hello! This question is mainly directed to people who use navidrome or similar software. How do you organize your music library in regards to files? Do you keep them all in one folder? Or folders with author names? Or folders where music belongs based on genre? I can't get the right way to organize my music library, hence this question. Thanks in advance for all the answers!

1234, of course!

Just kidding 😅 I use long, random passwords for each service, not reusing them ofc!

My first E-Mail server
I just set up my first ever email server and I'm proud of myself! 😊 Do you have any advice to avoid common problems? I mean something beginners often do that they shouldn't. Thanks!