free software, PTA and privacy enthusiast


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Thanks for all your answers! I will check some of the alternatives to duckdns.

Anyone with problems with duckdns DynDNS?
I feel that sometimes resolution of `` and `` fails with empty result or even timeout result. Tested resolution against Google and Cloudfare DNS servers. Do you have a similar behaviour?

recommendations for selfhosted photo backup solution: folders vs albums?
I need to put some order with the photos I take and I receive with my android phone. Just now I use Nextcloud sync client to upload and Photo/Memories Nextcloud Apps to manage photos. However, I am not very happy with this setup because of the lack of one Android Application for photos and, thus, the photo gallery of my phone is totally different to the Photo/Memories timeline. And photos are not deleted from my mobile phone when I delete them in Photo/Memories. Which selfhosted photo manager do you think is better to backup and manage photos in sync with the phone? A second question, is it better to manage the photo gallery with a folder structure or with the album functionality of the Photo application? Which is the best interoperable solution? If I use albums in Memories then I can export those albums to Immich, Librephotos... ? Or I would have to create all the albums again after the export?