• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


I took a quick read of the comments and I apologize in advance if this has been suggested already.

I use a self hosted DNS server (AdGuardHome) I was using TechnitiumDNS for a long while, but moved over to the other recently so I could do some more blocking as needed (adult special needs house dweller sometimes needs limited internet). It also acts as a DHCP Server so it takes the role of both the DHCP assignments away from the router. As it so happens, this week, I got to experience the benefit of having this setup live when my main router also went down, I was able to switch to a spare router (My ISP provided one) and all I had to do was turn the DHCP off and optionally point the DNS To my AdGuardHome address, set the SSID’s up and I was in business. All of my devices happily reconnected and grabbed their assigned IP’s.

In short, if you have a spare computer, SBC such as a raspberry PI or whatnot, you can easily host something like that and not have to worry about setting those again.

Cyberchef, I’ve looked at but honestly for me, IT Tools works best for my needs so it’s all good on my end.

I’ve seen a few mentions of PiHole and AdguardHome, I started on PiHole, then moved to AdguardHome for adblocking. Then I heard about and have been using TechnitiumDNS server which is sort of overkill for our needs, but with the right ad-lists, it is fantastic at blocking advertisements on my home network. Super fast install too, even on a Raspberry Pi 2 :) I run that along with Proxmox-VE (Protected behind OIDC Login) and several other containers on my cranky old Dell Desktop server.

Mostly Vaultwarden, and a few other services for home private use such as PairDrop for inter system sharing and a self destructing file sharing server for when we need to send documents to our Attorney’s (rarely but sometimes we need to) office via Pingvin.

I also run:

  • Home Assistant
  • Transmission Dockerized so I can help contribute to the Linux community and share the ISO’s.
  • For some of my externalized sites, I run Authentik It acts sort of like a Reverse Proxy if you configure it to do so. I love that I can simply identify myself with my WebAuthn device skipping any passwords. :)

With Authentik setup, I can login to things like my Fresh Tomato Router TechnitiumDNS (Both use HTTP Auth headers) and Memos which uses OIDC/SSO. It’s meant to replace our Google Keep notes.

  • Tailscale is installed and I connect to it from my phone when away from home to always stay on my network. Sometimes, hotspots block it so I generally avoid those as much as possible.
  • Wallos to help keep track of our re-occuring subscriptions.
  • Grafana and Promethus - both are staged and ready for configuration and one of those I will get around to eventually.
  • InfluxDB - I plan on moving Home Assistsant logging soon to that which should tie nicely into Grafana later.
  • Ben Phelps’ Homepage - it’s my main server dashboard my wife and I use to access our server. Quite simply one of the best dashboards IMHO.
  • Wyze Cam Bridge - One of the better services in which you can log into your Wyze cams and convert their streams to RTSP, RTMP or HLS streams easily. I have that feed to my Home Assistant Security Dashboard.
  • Baserow It’s a good Airtable alternative and I use it to keep track of my Static IP assignments, Sleep tracker (I suffer from insomnia), and other data points. It’s pretty amazing. I even created a pain logging for for my wife so she just accesses it and answers basic questions about her pain levels and it pushes it to the database for later retrieval.
  • Joplin Server - Sorry, I don’t have the link, but it’s installed via compose. I use Joplin Notes on my phone and computer for keeping my code snippets. I’ve tried Obsidian and it didn’t really meet my needs and Also Anytype, but that’s not self-hosted. Joplin server is for me and that’s become handy a time or two when on the road.
  • Bookstack - my grand plan for that is to build a Wiki for my family to use in the event something should happen to me, they can know how to manage the server with nice screenshots and instructional steps. I have that protected behind Authentik’s OIDC logins.
  • IT-Tools - hands down one of the coolest self hosted tool sets you can use.
  • Webcheck - All-in-one OSINT tool for analyzing any website https://web-check.xyz/ is their demo site. :)
  • Stirling PDF - Kind of like a Swiss-army knife for PDF’s. :)
  • Dozzle - For those times with you really need to see what your Docker logs and too lazy do run a docker logs -follow command.

I still use Portainer-CE and am happy there, I may try Dockage or the others, but it’s fine for what I need it for (It’s also protected by OIDC)

I’m sure I may have missed a few, but this post has gone on long enough. :)

Grafana + Prometheus dashboards can be quite addicting or useful. Noted.lol put together a nice tutorial for getting started.

For most of my services though, I simply use Uptime Kuma which then sends an alert to Gotify when my services go down or whatnot, Gotify then instantly notifies my phone so I can be aware. It helps keep the spouse happy when their go to service for some reason crashed. :)

Authentik is my IDP provider so I put it in front of all my publicly facing Apps which support OIDC login. For example, I can log into my Portainer instance from an external network, but to do so, I log into Authentik First which sends it to my service.

For the apps which support HTTP headers, like I said, Pomerium acts as the service which passes my credentials to the device. I admit - Authentik does this also without the need for Pomerium, (through their flow settings) but I found Pomerium to be much easier to set up for this than Authentik and haven’t looked back or felt the need to change it.

With that, I use Pomerium for apps which accept a HTTP Headers, for example, my Fresh Tomato firmware flashed router, it has a HTTP dialog. This allows me to login from the road if I need to manage something like rebooting it or updating firewall rules etc.

My access flow is this :

router.example.com —> Cloudflare Tunnel —> Pomerium IP —>Authentik —> Router’s Gui.

It works flawlessly. I don’t often use it, but when I do, it helps. I also had it enabled for AdguardHome but moved to Technitium DNS which I prefer and that doesn’t have the HTTP Headers so it’s not fully compatible with Pomerium that I’m aware of.

I am a former IT Desktop drone…er…support worker… I used to swap towers for my local municipality back when Windows XP was being replaced with 7. I saw passwords on post-its attached to the monitor, mouse pad, and even under the keyboard or keyboard drawer (I had to get under desks to do the swap). Our policy was to remove those whenever we saw them and trash them in a different can across the building or a different one. They have a standard 90 day password cycle and most people couldn’t handle that. I would answer the phone often to 'unlock" their account after 3 attempts. My all time favorite when I would help an end user with software was when I would encounter someone’s “God Mode” icon for some of the registry hacks that used to float around. Everyone had Admin privileges (ironically), so it wasn’t really needed anyway.

Their primary server admins and IT folks in the main office were Top notch though. Never any downtime and the main security guy was very strong in making sure everything was adhered to. We, as desktop support didn’t have the master password to decrypt a laptop which was GPG protected and had to bring it to him if we had a user which locked themselves out. With great consternation, only a few machines would be allowed to XP and those were VLAN’d and isolated from the outside world.

The rest of the server admins handled everything with ease seemingly. The fun part was when they had a third party come in and do a security audit. No problems on the server side, but it wasn’t a success. They did the 'ol drop a flash drive randomly in different locations test. Knowing human nature, they knew someone would pick it up, plug it in and be baited with an excel file which looked like it had financials. Unbeknownst to the user, it sent a ping to their reporting server and the drive ID. Which was later reported back. They also did physical security penetration tests - walk in behind you type of thing. I remember seeing a group of guys non company ID badges try to follow me into the main IT office. I stopped them and asked who they were and what they wanted (this was a Govt building), and the look of confusion mixed with satisfaction from them that I stopped them was priceless. I let the head IT guy know who was at the door and left it up to them to unlock it for them.

I now work in a help desk position for a software company and miss those days of desktop support. But, I know for a fact that I.T. Guys an Gals don’t get enough recognition. They are the understated backbone of a company’s well-being especially when holidays and weekends are prime time for systems to fail and they are practically on call no matter what.

I use Proxmox and don’t use Truenas. My setup is basically to install Cockpit on the host server via apt-get and then the 45 Drives cockpit-sharing plugin. This provides the NFS and Samba sharing I need and use. I host Home Assistant in a VM and Docker containers in a few LXC containers which host about 10 containers each. Then, in combination with https://tteck.github.io/Proxmox/ you can set up pretty much anything you need from there.

This is on in computer terms, ancient; a 13 year old Dell Optiplex 990 with 16gb Ram and software such as Authentik and Vaultwarden from different dedicated LXC containers. Never have any issues with overload of the system resources or running out of memory. It’s pretty much rock solid.

As Another Proxmox user - I’ve been doing well with it. I use these scripts for the LXC’s which has been fantastic:


I also can log into it from the web as it’s secured by Authentik, SSO OIDC login when Away from home and need to manage it. Rare! But the option is there! :)

The older IDE drives with the 5.25" platters and smaller ones make great wind chimes. The laptop ones are a bit .ore fragile due to thinner material. Years ago, we used to do this with a few of them.

I got lost with setting up a nice inbox downloader to store all my emails on a HDD attached to my RPI4, but haven’t quite mastered the SMTP server part or found the right software to run on it. It’s currently powered off waiting for a reflash of the SD Card so I can try again. The end goal for mine is to set up fetchmail and have it grab from my inboxes then imap capabilities so I can read it in Thunderbird. (Don’t talk to me about webmail, I know it’s the way but I’m older than Star Wars (Original one) and am stuck in my ways. Now get off of my lawn!

Seriously though, I have tinkered with it before as an AdguardHome Server, but somehow, my latency increased so I dropped that. Most of it’s life was spent hosting Home Assistant on it until I moved that to the umm…more controversial Proxmox VM method. I’m also on the fence about setting up the Raspberry Pi Nextcloud on it. (Maybe).

Here is a good resource for 36 different things you could possibly do with yours.

Installed and no way to login, see this in your GH issues:


This is a fresh install as about 10 minutes ago so using the :latest tag which I believe is the v 2.4.8 build. Signing up is possible and I was able to create my user account so that’s a good start at least. :)

Replacing Cloudflare Tunnels with Tailscale?
Someone here brought up that they were able to replace Cloudflare Tunnels with Tailscale - I can't seem to find the post, as it was a comment and deeply buried in a thread I've since forgotten the title of. :) Can anyone explain the process for doing this? I assume it's through the use of their Funnel? I have three primary services I require to be accessible through Authentik (that's one of them) via my domain name. **EDIT** To answer the question of why I want to leave Cloudflare Tunnels - is basically that I have several services behind it (I forgot one so make that 4 I wish to have exposed). Two password managers, Psono for my special needs daughter which finds it easier than Bitwarden and Vaultwarden for myself and my work logins. So, I can't just set up a VPN or Tailscale at work to connect my work passwords to. :) I also have Authentik and Home Assistant tunneled at present. That doesn't explain the reason why though so let me start here: My step-daughter is learning video production and editing, we don't want to share her videos on Youtube or other sites, but would like to keep it more local to home. With that said, Cloudflare may not notice it at first, bit it's against their TOS to stream videos, not to mention their just over 100mb cap for file xfers which leads me to the next reason. Early in May of this year, we were in an auto accident, and we are frequently sending forms, accident photos and paperwork etc to the Attorneys, I want to have control of the ownership of the files and would prefer not to email them, but link them to my server, frequently, those files even zipped can be over 100mb. I do have a private DDNS provider I have my domain CNAME pointed to so it resolves to the home IP that way, so the ultimate plan is to untie my site from Cloudflare's DNS to a offload to a VPS or two for (NS1 and NS2) With a recent issue with Oracle Cloud, I'm not motivated to use them for this basic purpose. And just a small part of me is starting to get tin hat against the idea that Cloudflare can decrypt the data before it hits my site before it encrypts it. Just just isn't sitting well with me at the moment. I can't verify this data yet, but I like to play it safe than sorry. **EDIT 2** So, I ran a funnel test and yes it works, but still have to use the ts.net like others said, so at best, I can figure this to be a good backup service. I can't forward a CNAME to my TS DNS. I checked /r/tailscale (Duckduckgo sent me there), and about a month ago, someone asked if you could use your own domain, the answer was "not yet" but there seems to be some interest. What I found pretty fascinating is the mobile app does work quite well on Android and is so far so good, I can at least feel better knowing that the phones are on WG full time now through Tailscale. I had issues with the official WG client and another one staying on with our phones full time, so this so far has been a good improvement.

I just installed Pomerium and got it to integrate with AdguardHome and my router which both use basic HTTP, I also use Authentik. It’s a bit of a learning curve, but in short, this is what the config.yaml file needs to work to get it up and running:

The basic auth header for this is just UN: example PW: Password

authenticate_service_url: https://verify.mydomain.com
idp_provider: oidc
idp_provider_url: https://Authentik.mydomain.com/application/o/pomerium/
idp_client_id: AUTHENTIK'S CLIENT ID
idp_client_secret: AUTHENTIK'S CLIENT SECRET
idp_provider_scopes: null
  - from: https://agh.mydomain.com
    to:  ##Adguardhome address
      - allow:
            - email:
                is: myemail@mydomain.com
    # https://www.blitter.se/utils/basic-authentication-header-generator/
       Authorization: "Basic ZXhhbXBsZTpwYXNzd29yZA==" #AdguardHome
      allow_websockets: true

  - from: https://router.mydomain.com
      - allow:
            - email:
                is: myemail@mydomain.com
    # https://www.blitter.se/utils/basic-authentication-header-generator/
      Authorization: "Basic ZXhhbXBsZTpwYXNzd29yZA=="  #Router 
    allow_websockets: true

cookie_name: pomerium
cookie_secret: RANDOM 32 CHARACTER COOKIE=
cookie_domain: mydomain.com
pomerium_debug: true

So, now when I go to my Adguardhome’s URL ( agh.mydomain.com), it auto directs to my Authentik instance, then upon matching my signed in email in the browser session, it transparently logs me into Adguardhome without issue. The same applies to my router’s login.

In short, if you have found an NVR which supports basic http auth, Pomerium is the missing piece I’ve found to work.

Because, for Home Assistant, I moved it from Raspberry Pi 4 to a KVM and found it faster. I use Proxmox for that which I found to play nicer with it than just setting up a Debian Server and spinning up a KVM via QEMU on a desktop. I’ve been there and had issues over time. As for why LXC’s they are smaller and the only ones I use are from https://tteck.github.io/Proxmox/ which makes them super simple to set up and run!

Under Proxmox, I have the following running currently:

**As LXC Containers: **

  • AdguardHome
  • Psono Password Manager
  • Zitadel SSO and
  • One I’m trying to get Pomerium installed on

As a VM

  • Home Assistant

The rest is all docker on the host OS which is Debian 12, this is not my complete list but the most used ones in my world:

  • Dozzle (great docker log viewer)
  • Uptime Kuma
  • Authentik configured to allow passkey login (Simply awesome!)
  • IT-Tools - https://it-tools.tech/
  • Homepage by Ben Phelps
  • WyzeCamBridge (So I can have RTSP for Home Assistant)
  • SterlingPDF (MultiTool for PDFS)
  • sshwifty - SSH within your browser - your logins are locally stored in your session only. https://github.com/nirui/sshwifty
  • Portainer
  • Vaultwarden

Protected by Authentik’s SSO

  • Portainer
  • Statping
  • Proxmox
  • Wordpress (I’m evaulating this for a suitable Joplin replacement ) In short - I found that it’s easier to reference a site instead of installing Joplin when I rebuild my computer.
  • Psono password manager

You may wonder why I am using Zitadel and Authentik, I first started with Zitadel, and moved to Authentik, but am evaluating both. They both have their positives. So far Authentik has been the most useful for me. And about the two password managers, I use Vaultwarden as it supports everything I need including Passkey support. My step daughter who is an adult is disabled so having an easier password like Psono makes it easier for her.

I’ve tried this a few times, so I know I’ve added more hits to your counters! I know it can be run on non-pi devices which is cool, ever think of changing the name to suggest it’s not just for the 'ol pi? :)

Great job on the cabling and the setup! As an Apartment dweller, I hope you don’t mind my living vicariously through your setup!

I’ll admit, I’m not a huge fan of Traefik (It’s too big of a hassle for me and I use Cloudflare tunnels anyway). I couldn’t get past the login even after literally copy pasta of your example for the user test as a last resort. So, I’m not sure if it’s because I’m not using Traefik or some other reason. (Username tried was test Password Test) I also tried at first my username/password combo I set for it using the command to generate the passwd file.

Your page links 404 out, but if you reduce it to https://klay.gay/self-host/ it works and shows v.0.9.2 so you may want to edit your post. :)

I use Purelymail for mine. I have Uptime Kuma integrated with it using the SMTP server and also have different things like my password vault connected through it. It’s generally lightning fast and budget friendly too.

I have MFA enabled on that account have had it there for years. :) (2FA + Webauth) Password already updated too. :) That email I know has been all over the dark web based on my monitoring alerts and know it’s been used. All of my important user accounts with that email were changed to a new one 6 or so months ago. I just forgot about this one and like I said, never really used it anyway. :)

Lack of Security with Oracle Cloud
Let me preface this with this was a dormant account with no instances set up, and I put it into place maybe 4 or 5 years ago while getting into the Self Hosted space. I don't recall if I had MFA setup, but don't think I did as it was a test space. In fact, I forgot I even had it up until now. So this weekend, we were out of town and I get this alert from Oracle Cloud saying that my account was locked with a password reset link/ This was set to an email I've had since 2004 and has been sold many many times on the dark web as evidenced by the amount of SPAM I get on it and as my monitoring services confirm. I figured it was a weak ploy at a fishing to get my credentials so I ignored it. Then about 3 or 4 or so minutes later, the account was unlocked with another email to confirm this. (Without my touching anything) So, last night when I returned home, I went to Oracle ignoring the email links and used my browse's address bar. To no surprise of my own, I can't log in or reset my credentials. Somehow, the attackers were able to exploit their platform to intercept the password reset and change everything to their credentials. It's no real loss on my end honestly, Oracle had an old canceled debit card number for re-occurring billing if I should have ever used their services anyway. It just bugs me that they allowed it to happen so easily. Having the lack of MFA, I'm sure didn't help the matter, but honestly, what gets me the most - their password reset email and the one saying it was unlocked with no links or contact information to correct the situation if this was incorrect. Further proof on my end that oracle doesn't care about anything other than the money grab. ***tl:dr*** My lack of MFA enabled hackers to attack my formerly dormant and forgotten Oracle account, and locked me out and Oracle doesn't seem to mind.

I use this:

Timekpr-NExT (It’s stylized as this way) Here’s a decent write up of it:


And the source I think: https://mjasnik.gitlab.io/timekpr-next/

Here’s our household need for it and I think most people will not like it, but it’s what works for us. I have a special needs adult step daughter which has a TBI from a major traumatic auto accident at the age of 2. For most people who see her, she passes as high functioning but that is on the outside. As a result of the accident and brain injury at age 2, In real life, she has problems with the concept of time and time management. She also lacks the executive functioning that most adults have such as the correct decisions in life to make, just to name a few. Having this on her system (Arch Linux) allows us to at least limit the screen time which is what we were wanting. As for filtering NSFW stuff. She’s extremely turned off by the thought of people being intimate so, we are pretty comfortable with unfiltered internet. (I also run a DNS server in which if needed can filter traffic).

Another person mentioned using SELinux - this reminded me of using OpenSuSE - that distro is very tuned toward adminstrative access for even basic things such as modifying the network (Well…at least basic for me LOL ) . I think of it is as an ideal OS for small organizations with a single IT person on staff.

What I do is this - and some may frown upon it because well…Cloudflare! But I use Cloudflare’s tunnels to access my remote instances for my password manager, Home Assistant and a SSH shell. All of which are behind passwords and 2FA. I then have only one port open on my router, that’s for my wireguard instance. I access it using my ddns and can be on my home network from anywhere.

I’d move away from the tunnels and push everything through WG, but my family is not as savvy as I am and don’t always activate the tunnel when away from home. I am putting a plan for that this weekend though. :)

Primary benefit of using a VPS:

Placing mission critical items there which you can not afford to have go down due to hardware failure Some of those items may be a DNS Server, uptime monitor, or VPN/Wireguard Tunnel.

They are usually quite fast, and will provide a STATIC IP which makes it easier to set your domain’s DNS resolver to, it never changes as long as you keep paying. :)

**Disadvantage of VPS: **

Who says they don’t log into your VPS Instance and snoop around? I’m sure about 99.99% of VPS hosts will never do that and are ethical, and honestly, won’t really care to. At a moment’s notice, the VPS can close shop and take your data with them. (I had that once a few years ago). No warning was given and they went dark. Very aggravating. Fortunately, I had a fairly recent backup but still.

If you do go with a VPS, a place which supports KVM is a huge bonus! You can then install just about any host OS you want. Pivo is a good place for this and they are reasonably priced. They’ve been around since 1997 and I doubt they will go anywhere. Or you can spin up an instance at Linode and take advantage of some of the free trials they have (Jupiter broadcasting a podcast production company has something like $100 credit for them, so you can get your ‘feet wet’ testing things out.

My advice, if you go with a VPS, avoid eBay for hosting plans, and read reviews of the sites you are considering. Trust pilot and others are often great resources.

**Benefits of your own hardware: ** You have everything on your server, you know where everything is and can have the peace of mind knowing it’s there and not looked at by anyone but you or those you trust.

Disadvantages of your own hardware

If anything fails, you are responsible for repairing/replacing it, this can also mean some massive downtime depending on how long it takes.

Your hardware is limited by the resources you provide it, Memory, Disk Space etc. Your ISP may throttle your data and cap the usage as well.

Hmmm…I’ve never noticed any lag on my end, but then again, I don’t time my DNS ms resolutions myself. :) Good to know though!

Started on PiHole a long time ago, went to AdGuardhome, then have moved over to Technitium DNS (https://technitium.com/dns/). That might be another option to investigate, it allows Ad blocking as well as a lot more than AdGuardhome and Pihole.

Bookmarks are cool and all, but having the ability to tap (if on mobile) the link or click on it visually is important. For example, I access my local dashboard via Wireguard on my phone, I can then tap the service I need to access locally. IMO, that is much nicer than hitting the browser’s menu to find the bookmark and then clicking on it.

Aside from that, if you are like me and have hundreds of bookmarks, and a significant other less technically savvy as you are and are visual, then having a dashboard to go to makes it a lot easier!