Works with anything plugged into the wall. Software developer most of the time. Helped start a makerspace once.

Will talk about Linux, plants, space, retro games, and anything else I find interesting.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Yep just ping time and latency make this a no go for a vast majority of us.

My pi costs probably around 20 a year lol.

I have the same issue. I have a very small instance and seems to not work no matter what I do. I can get lemmy ml no issues and done if the others but for done reason world just won’t work with and communities, like everything is blacklisted or something.

Tape drive to USB are a great solution.

There are tape drives that are certified to last for a very long time and are as easy as USB plug ins. Looks like a brick and is as heavy as one. Very low speed but you can pack a lot of data for a very long time in one.