I am a Meat-Popsicle

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


It sucked when Crashplan’s home client went under. If you installed the client on two computers with internet access, it would let you set the remote computer as a target. Encryption was done at the source, it had dedupe, versioning. It ate a little ram but it was really nice.

hell it’s almost worth it just for the Suricata IDS/Blocking :)

Unifi gear is super great value-wise. Their support is lacking, but their equipment is pretty easy to deal with.

UCG is great and cheap.

UDM Pro is more flexible / future proof but also more expensive. (you get POE, and access to the rest of their suite, but that access also comes with some hardware lockin)

They don’t do custom DNS, so a couple of PIE holes or a DNS service are prudent.

I tried nc it for a while I would have taken me till the end of days to import all of my files.

I suspect I could keep it running by doing lockstep backups and updates. But it was just so incredibly slow.

I just want something that would give me remote access to my files with meta information about my files and a good search index.

It really wasn’t all that complicated for me. Install the client on two devices set a share up on one device go to the other device Hit add device put the share ID in. Go back to the first devices admin and say allow the share

Same, I’ve been doing this for years. It’s just flawless.


  • Free
  • Gets the job done
  • Not in financial trouble
  • No layoffs
  • Not trying to sell you stuff
  • Not selling your watch habbits
  • Mainly develops features people want

Plex (paid):

  • Decade of development with pretty solid pay features
  • Easy sharing with friends and remote watching
  • Decent clients for almost every device and more solid transcoding
  • Fairly quick fixes for problems
  • Great intro/credit/commercial skipping
  • Only develops features that might make money
  • In the middle of layoffs
  • Centralized authentication makes is impossible to watch if offline or they’re offline unless you removed local authentication before it went offline.
  • They sell your viewing habbits

Plex is super convenient and slimy

Jellyfin is pure and behind on features, clients and comforts.

I installed a stable diffusion docker last week, it wasn’t too bad, but it also didn’t need a lot of config.

I just tried installing lemmybb from the github in it, the container starts, but none of the config is even close it’s just not a good candidate without someone checking it out to their own github and applying all the configs and setup.

Someone is going to need to pick it up and give it some love before it’s reasonable to add it to unraid.