• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


I run pihole on proxomox, and also opnsense in the same box. Then you can forward all port 53 traffic to your pihole. Some devices have hard-coded DNS that will bypass the DHCP DNS.

I just think they’re neat!

The wireguard tunnel is what I’m most interested in. Having that, and then my pihole, be handed out via DHCP is worth $50. More than that is a harder sell.

travel routers
So I've seen the TP-Link and GL.inet travel routers, and it looks like some of the GLs are/were built to run wrt firmwares. Stock TP firmwares have been pretty full features in my experience. I really want USB-C power. The GL wireguard support looks useful too, but it looks like their newer stuff is proprietary? Another want, not need, is 5 GHz band. Does anyone have a favorite model or another board that can be flashed?

I’ve got one of these with the esphome firmware. Can’t speak to their service or the original firmware, but the esphome needed some tweaks.


I already had a magnetic reed switch and it has an input for that. I already had an extra security 2.0 button with wires soldered to the contacts. I’m very happy with the setup.

I think the newer liftmasters are wireless. The old push button wires are just power for the wireless remote.

True, but everyone’s favorite so far is debian

Ok what’s your container setup? LXC? Docker? Compose?

Is the WG server also a container?

Can you get to the pihole admin page over wg? Trying to narrow down if it’s just port 53 or everything else too.

Ok so you see your request in the pihole log? Which address does it show?

Your DNS might be configured to only answer local (from 192 addresses) requests. Did you enable IP masquerading?

How many cores do you have configured for jellyfin?

The profiles were totally different- because the subdomain uses HTTP/3 via the quic-go library. Disabling it globally has it working at 100%

Caddy subdomain reverse proxy performance
I'd asked about using a VPS to get better routing to my homelab in this post: https://lemmy.world/post/1424540 I've narrowed down my problem- if i use a subdomain in my caddyfile, performance is 1/3 or worse compared to just the root. `example.com {reverse_proxy}` will saturate my gigabit lan connection at 980ish. On a 5gUW connection i get my advertised 50 mbit or more `librespeed.example.com {reverse_proxy}` I get 220-250 megabits on my internal lan. The same 5gUW connection will only get 7 or 8 mbit. It's strange to me that everything seems to work just fine, but it's just slow. Anyone got any ideas?

I’m happy with photoprism for a single user. I don’t like their subscription model, and will never pay an on-going fee. There’s a chance they will move more features behind that paywall. I did pay the one-time unlock for the automatic upload companion app, but that seems like a core feature they should implement.

It has to go upstream for answered requests, so it can add 1 or 2 ms to the 45 ms it would otherwise take when you’re local. If you’re using a VPN to your home dns, it can add 75 ms and I can feel it.

I built it with the goal of being upgradable when prices came down and I grew into the system. That lasted 2 months and I’m swimming in transceivers and switches lol

Yes, WOW. It’s docsis 3.1 down, but still 8x 3.0 up. They’re planning high split and fiber but I’ll have to wait. My nic is dual sfp+, just need something worthy to plug into it.

improving homelab upload performance- VPS proxy?
I've got 1000/50 service from a mid-size ISP. It's pretty consistent- any time I run a speed test from home, it will hit those numbers. I have an opnsense plugin checking twice a day. Performance from my self-hosted services to the internet, however, is very inconsistent. Sometimes I get the full 50, sometimes it will only hit 5 Mbit/s. Is it possible a VPS proxy could provide less congested routes? Is there a better way to troubleshoot the bottleneck? When i notice a slowdown, usually watching a clip on frigate, I'll use a public speedtest to check my field connection. If it's over 50 down, I'll check librespeed on my server. If frigate or plex is fast, librespeed will be too. If I've noticed a problem, librespeed has always agreed. My host machine is a 5700g w/ 64 gigs of ram, X520 nic to an S33 modem, so I don't think it's a hardware bottleneck.