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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Kibana/ES is overkill and not worth it. I have Loki, promtail and grafana setup for my 4 VMs and 2 systems. Took about a week to get dashboards and stuff going (plus geoip and worldmap plugin config for my public servers) but haven’t had to touch them in about 2 years since.

Does the app support push notifications? Would be interested in this but I already use tasks.org since they support push notifications and I won’t take the trash out until right before bed instead of before it gets dark otherwise.

Hey! Finally gave it a go this morning but ran into some headaches pointing to existing dockerized mysql and postgres containers on unraid. I reached out in discord this afternoon but setting up auth according to the docker-compose on the site and github I get lots of errors about missing tables or properties during the database initialization.

Good to see this works with antennapod, just need to get a gpodder thing setup in my unraid server and give this a go. Been using antennapod on my phone for the last several years but didn’t do backups and exports often enough and when my Samsung dropped and died I lost 8 months of data. This would make it a lot easier to also be able to stream on my desktop during work. Will be giving it a go here soon!

I have not used Fedora server yet but like their desktop is. Currently my two VMs in unraid are Rocky Linux. Been using centos and now Rocky for the last 5-6 years and haven’t had any complaints

Grafana, fronting information from Prometheus, Loki and Telegraf/influxdb since I’m used to that from work and has been a bit more set and forget compared to node_exporter. Easier to add in plugins as well instead of a new container/service to scrape.

I have rokus and use a pihole plus NAT routing rules to force them to not use hard coded DNS so they can’t reach their APIs and most ad domains and while not perfect I don’t see many ads. Maybe the odd poster scrolling around to get to Plex or Netflix

My work environments use Prometheus and node-exporter and grafana. At home I use telegraf, influxdb and grafana (and Prometheus for other app specific metrics) but the biggest reason I went with telegraf and influxdb at home is because Prometheus scrapes data from the configured clients (pull), while telegraf sends the data on the configured interval to influxdb (push) and starting my homelab adventure I had 2 VMS in the cloud and 2 pis at home and having telegraf sending the data in to my pis rather than going out and scraping made it a lot easier for that remote setup. I had influxdb setup behind a reverse proxy and auth so telegraf was sending data over TLS and needed to authenticate to just the single endpoint. That is the major difference to me, but there are also subsets of other exporters and plugins and stuff to tailor data for each one depending on what you want.

This could potentially apply to me as I have a SG3100 that’d now EOL with no direct replacement, I was thinking of getting a non netgate appliance but restoring my PFSense plus to that new device, this now means I’d be forced to get a subscription to TaC to use Plus on a non netgate device? Wording isn’t very clear to me.

I use a binhex-privoxyvpn container with a mullvad wireguard config in there. That’s for my server and containers at least.

My thinking is the same, I see lots of k8s mentions on here and from coworkers at home and all I use is docker and VMs because I don’t want all that complexity I have to deal with at work.

Yes that is true but $10/year for premium is not bad, I donate that much to separate projects per year

Not sure why someone would. Bitwarden provides their own self-host repos and docs and is working on a unified container instead of docker-compose scripts for their production stack.

I’ve been using their stack for the last 6 years and only issues I’ve ran into were my fault. Also tested their container and will be switching to that soon.

PiHole, Bitwarden, Bookstack, Grafana/Loki, Immich, haproxy, plex