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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Hello I have also literally spent thousands of hours on the general topic of self hosting and related stuff such as linux, filesystems, networking, hardware, software etc etc. Yes, it is possible to be this stupid.

Here is my simple math:

2000 hours / 12 hour days = 167 days. I have been generally building up on this subject for about 10 years. And in COVID I had a lot of blocks of days where I was just at the computer. For more than 12 hours. I think I have easily spent more than 2000 hours.

I still have extremely rickety set up that mostly isn’t doing any of the things I want. It’s fine for me because I have learned a lot, have fun, and nothing is mission critical. If I had money/business that was reliant on this I would absolutely pay someone! That is just part of doing business. Especially if anyone else was at all reliant upon it. If I have employees or the work I do is important than it is only respectful and professional to swallow the costs to ensure it is done at quality. And even if its just for my own use, not everyone enjoys this stuff and still want to be free of google etc.

Everyone here reminds me of all the shitty landlords who do such a bad job of “fixing” things themselves instead of paying the going rate for a trade to come do it right and to code. Like 3 visits to install an interior doorknob and never getting it right. Like dude, just admit you aren’t any good at installing doorknobs. And please don’t go near the plumbing.

fuck man, this silver bullet looks pretty cool. project is about 1.5 years old? i guess it’s been longer than that since i investigated these kinds of tools


While you can use SilverBullet as a simple note taking application that stores notes in plain markdown files on disk, it becomes truly powerful in the hands of more technical power users. By leveraging metadata annotations, its Objects infrastructure, Live Queries and Live Templates, SilverBullet becomes a powerful end-user programming tool, enabling you to quickly develop various types of ad-hoc knowledge applications.

I have errands to run this weekend and I cannot spend the whole time immersed in this.

does it support plain markdown?

IME joplin has its own format

@mwalker789 Are you looking to create a “to read later” list, or to save the content to disk? Pinning and saving is like the former but your ideas about a telegram bot suggest the latter.

If it is more on the archiving side, here is a short list to get you started https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki/Web-Archiving-Community

@manwichmakesameal Who says “manifesting reality” is loony toones horse shit?

What nobody ever told Oprah is that it only works in the FLOSS world. 🪄

someone was just asking for something like this the other day

please share if you do. last time I looked (maybe a year ago) podcasts and audiobooks still have a lot of gaps in selfhosted.

Since podcasts are RSS feeds could you use an existing RSS aggregator? Need to add a player and track play time I guess.