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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


I’m still too container stupid to understand the right way to do this. I’m running it in docker under kubernetes and sometimes I don’t update nextcloud for a long time then I do a container update and it’s all fucked because of incompatible php versions of some shit.

You’re in for a world of hurt. Email security is a pain in the ass. I used to do this full time and I’m so glad I don’t have to anymore.

Not trying to discourage you, it’s fun, it’s cool, but it can be a real PITA.

Plex user for over a decade and my only gripe is lack of accounts when internet goes out. When I’m self hosting, I kind of consider it a baseline for something like authentication to a local self hosted server to work without an internet connection.

Also the “recommended” bullshit. What the fuck. I know hat I’m hosting. I know what I download. Why does plex feel the need to force this as the default landing page? Honestly I with jellyfin was a bit more mature cause I’d use that instead.

I’m a network engineer and >15 years of experience in IT. It’s never “safe”. Not even in corporate IT. You’re a home user and it’s less likely you’ll be targeted but bad actors do comb the internet for known vulnerabilities. Patch your shit, limit exposure, enable MFA on everything. I don’t run it, but I feel slightly sketched out not behind something like a Palo Alto. But again I’m just a small potato in a big sea and I patch everything.

There will always be risk. Just do what feels right for you. Follow beat practices.