Developer by day, gamer by night!

🖥️ Stack: #NodeJS #Flutter #Go

🐧Linux: Currently on #Fedora

🎮️ Games: #ApexLegends and #Chess

Fun fact: Built my own custom keyboard, which sometimes doesn’t work and hangs, but hey… it still adds to the charm, right 😂

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023

What would be the cheapest and most cost-effeciant way of self hosting LLMs
I've a minipc running an AMD 5700U where I host some services, including ollama and openwebui. Unfortunately the support of rocm isn't quite there yet and not to mention that of mobile GPUs. Surprisingly the prompts work when configured to use the CPU, but the speed is just... well, not good. So, what'd be a cheap and energy efficient setup to run sone kind of LLM for personal use, but still get decent speed? I was thinking about getting an e-gpu case, but I'm not sure about how solid this would end up.

Google Feed alternative
I like how GF shows me articles (with images) of different websites and topics. I tried freshrss, and the general RSS workflow, but it's somehow too frustrating having 20 articles of the same site when scrolling through the feeds and it also looks somehow dull without images. But maybe it's just me not using the right tools. What do you guys use to aggregate news about different topics?

in a nutshell

This is how the control and information exchange of smart devices work:

Phone App -> [Server] … [Server] -> Smart Device and vice versa

There’s no way around this concept.

Now, Google gives you the phone app and the (public) server part. but these only work with their servers and apps, keeping you locked in.

HA gives you the same, a server and an app, but allows you to keep the server private (access via vpn for public)

Also who guarantees that Google Home will be there in the next few years? HA will still keep running even if it ever gets abandoned.

Lidarr++Deemix - A service to automatically add albums from Deemix
As someone who listens to a lot of *niche* artists, I was upset, that not all albums were present in MusicBrainz. So I came up with a solution. Meet Lidarr++Deemix! []( This tool helps to enrich Lidarr, by providing a custom proxy, that *hooks into* the process *without modifying Lidarr itself*, and ***injects additional albums from deemix***.

RAID or single drive for backups?
Basically title. Is it common to use some kind of RAID for backing up other RAIDs or do people just go with single drives?

If you haven’t, get yourself familiar with Docker and docker compose, and then use portainer to manage all your stuff. It’s a lifesaver.

couple of Pis are cheaper

Are they thou? In my region the 4Bs are selling at around 60 bucks (no case, no SD)… A “couple” of them (including some for backup and HA and Octoprint) would mean at least 4 of them, totalling at 240 bucks (or 300 with SD). For that money, one could get two (or even three) more-than-capable thin clients.

As some others mentioned, when the DNS goes down (which pihole is) your whole network is down. With the fragility (and slowness) of the PI, it’d be more likely it will go down, sooner than later.

Considering the cost, a good alternative, imho, would be some sort of thin client, with an energy efficient CPU. So, instead of getting 2-3 PIs, better get one of these TCs, while keeping your PI as a DNS backup solution.

but yeah, setting up davx5 with my fastmail account gives me exactly what I need. I can use the google calendar app to have my FM calendar fully integrated.

Wouldn’t put pihole or any other mission critical network service on a Pi, unless there’s some kind of fallback.

Yeah, I’ve heard about radicale. But the “merging” and sync still happens on the client side of things (Android). I was hoping for some kind of dockerized backend service that can bring together all the calendars. And the only thing I’d have to do is go into the backend, connect FM and google (or any other calendar) and link that (dockerized) service account on my phone.

Help me understand contacts, calendar and caldav/cardav
I've been using Google for the last decade and am owly moving away from it. I'm on Fastmail (FM) right now. While I love their mailservice, the calendar and contacts integration is okey-ish, compared to Google. Right now, my contacts are scattered across these services. New contacts that I add on my Android phone, are obviously not available on FM, and vice versa. Therefore I'd like to setup a self hosted solution to manage contacts/calendars on a centralized place. But right now, I can't seem to wrap my head around this topic. I often see caldav/cardav mentioned, but don't know how exactly they are related. FYI: I'm a software developer, and I already host a bunch of services behind a reverse proxy. Example scenarios: - Install a full-featured calendar app (mobile, desktop, web) -> connect to my service - Someone sends me a calendar invite to FM -> sync to my service - I add a new contact on my Android phone -> sync to my service (make it visible in FM) - I add a new contact in FM -> sync to my service - I send a new calendar invite via FM -> sync to my service - Bonus I send a new calendar invite via App, and it get's sent via FM to the recepients. So my question is what self-hosted solutions (besides Nextclowd) are out there that would allow me to accomplish that?

Good point… I might add rclone as a feature later on.

Restic has a feature where you can copy snapshots from one repo to another, if that’s what you mean

Resticity - a cross-platform frontend for restic
[]( Hey guys, I've been building a frontend for [restic]( the past couple of weeks, and it's at the stage where the app is finally ready and usable. So I wanted to share it with the world. Oh, and it's FOSS of course. It's intended to be used either as a cross-platform desktop app (built using wails) or to be run in a Docker container, for homelab uses, etc. PRs and feature requests are more than welcome :-) Right now, I could also use some help for distributing it across the different platforms, AUR, Flatpak, etc. I hope you guys like it. Cheers!

Not familiar with owncloud.

But can’t you set something like “” as domain?

Most of the docker services use mounted folders/files, which I usually store in the users home folder /home/username/Docker/servicename.

Now, my personal habit of choice is to have user folders on a separate drive and mount them into /home/username. Additionally, one can also mount /var/lib/docker this way. I also spin up all of these services with portainer. The benefit is, if the system breaks, I don’t care that much, since everything is on a separate drive. In case of needing to re-setup everything again, I just spin up portainer again which does the rest.

However, this is not a backup, which should be done separately in one way or the other. But it’s for sure safer than putting all the trust into one drive/sdcard etc.

Any chance to get a mounted NFS folder show up in Synology Drive (Virtual DSM) ?
I'm about to move away from Google, and I am redoing my self-hosting setup. Right now, I'm running unRAID and Virtual DSM (Docker). However, one thing that somehow bothers me, is, that all DSM files reside on a virtual disk, which is passed to the Docker container. To access these files, I created a share **synology**, exported it via SMB in unRAID, and used `mount -t nfs /mnt/user/synology` to mount the files from the DSM docker container onto the share. This way I can access them via SMB from within the LAN. My idea was to have a share in unRAID, and have that mounted into DSM. So exactly the opposite of what I'm doing now. This however works only partially. The mounted share only shows up in File Station, but not in Synology Drive. I went so far to ssh into DSM and tried to mount the share manually AND using `mount --bind` to mount it inside the users home folder, but without luck. When doing so, Synology Drive wouldn't let me interact at all. Not even when mounting it onto a sub-dir within the users home-directory. Did anyone else have this same crazy idea and managed to solve it?

Maybe my comment might be a bit misunderstanding, but I do run my Fedora VM within proxmox too. So, I have two VMs, Fedora and Xpenology.

I was just wondering whether the additional VM makes even sense to have it running alongside XP.

I’d really prefer to avoid NextCloud, since it was very slow, in comparison to Synology, on the same hardware.

But thx for the hint abaout casaos. Didn’t know about that. Will definitely have a look at it.

Proxmox: Running everything on xpenology-VM or have a dedicated VM instead?
I recently asked about an alternative to Google Drive, and someone mentioned Synology. After some digging, I came across xpenology. Since I already have an Intel NUC (proxmox), I decided to give it a go and got it successfully setup in a dedicated VM. Now that Synology looks very powerful, I decided to go with it while also planing to upgrade my current NUC setup from 250GB ssd/750GB HD to 2tb nvme/2tb SSD. While doing that, I was wondering whether I should keep my current VM (fedora) that runs some docker services like ~~proxmox~~ portainer, reverse-proxy, blocky, etc or whether I should move these to the xpenology VM. Edit: I just realized, my comment was confusing due to a typo... To clarify: I run proxmox on bare-metal and have two VMs in there, Fedora and xpenology. So in short, is the Fedora VM redundant while having a powerfull synology OS already running?

Actually… I think I like fastmail

I’ve already switched to protonmail. And tried skiff before that, which I didn’t like that much.

I might give fastmail a try. Thx

ok… valid point, and I also agree on the refactoring argument.

To mitigate the compatibility issue, they could release a new major version, and let plugin developers simultaneously (or not) rewrite their codebase to make it compatible. That’s how WordPress plugins work, although WP is a whole other mess, and not the best of examples, but they also have a large userbase and plugins.

lol, I too was thinking about trying to kickstart a similar project in Go. I’m by no means a professional go-dev (former PHP-dev, currently Node), but I think it shouldn’t be that hard.

but also, most of these languages run a compiled executable, while PHP has to go through a parser. java is another exception with it’s vm, but you get my point.

so, all in all… PHP has overhead, in many ways … sure it might be negligible (gosh, I always have to look up the spelling of this word) in some situation, but in other it adds up so much that it makes it unsuitable for the task.

yeah, I like these type of convos where there’s no right or wrong… just "yes, but…"s

And what I forgot to mention, there’s the fact that it’s not async. So it adds up even more to the delay when fetching stuff.

I mentioned it in another topic regarding kbin, which is also written in PHP.

If you run a node/go/rust server and you hit the endpoint /hello which returns a simple “hello world”, they will just return that. PHP however, has to initialize and execute the whole framework stuff, before returning a simple “hello world”.

So there’s definitely some overhead, which to some degree can be limited by using caching like redis, etc.

Yeah… NC is really bad. I like the idea of the project, but the stack they chose to write it in, PHP, is just not suitable for such tasks

I don’t know much about cryptpad. Someone just mentioned it, and I hoped it had an app as well… lol

Filebrowser looks even nicer than cryptopad, and I think folders could probably be symlinked to immich, etc.

Will definitely keep an eye on it. Thx

Edit: Oh, just saw it’s web-only :-(

Looking for some Google Workspace alternatives
After my private Gmail was leaked somewhere, I've started to receive an enormous amount of spam that came through into my inbox, which made me switch to Proton and a self-hosted SimpleLogin setup. So I decided, I might as well dirch Google entirely, for private and work-related stuff. While Proton already covers Mail and Calendar, I'm in search of alternatives for the following services to replace. - Meet: I like the idea of starting a quick meeting by simply sending a link to a customer, who can join instantly. What would be an equivalent software to do that? I tried Mattermost, but it seems more like a Slack alternative, with invites, etc. and is overkill for my case. Revolt chat looks like a Discord alternative. - Drive: In short, If possible, I'd prefer one consolidated place to access and edit files. Docs, Excel, PDFs, pictures, videos, etc... Is Nextcloud really the only option here, with the corresponding plugins for onlyoffice and memories (photos)? I tried running thst on an intel nuc, and it's slow as hell.