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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 13, 2023


Thanks for the breakdown! This is probably the most helpful breakdown I’ve seen of a build like this.

What is the cost of the thin clients and are you doing this over copper?

Are your desks multi monitor? To get the bare minimum in my households scenario I would need at least 12 streams at greater than 1080p

For 5 seats how much did it cost versus just having a computer in each location? For example looking at hdbaset to replace just my desk setup, I would need 4 ~$350 devices, just looking at monoprice for an idea (https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=21669) which doesn’t even cover all of the screens in my office.

None of the presented solutions cover the aspect of being in a different place than the rack, the same network is fine, but at a minimum a different room.

How do you deliver high resolution (e.g. 1440p, 144 fps) to multiple monitors with low latency over a network? I haven’t seen anything like that accomplished without running fiber from the host.

Eventually, your thin client will need too much power anyway, making the costs rise a lot. It makes sense in an office where you have 500 seats and you can load balance resources.

If someone can show me a multi seat gaming server that has native remote performance (as in you drag windows around in 144 fps, not the standard artifacty high latency behavior of vnc) I’ll eat a shoe.