

Love literature

she/they ENFP-T

Retired as an alcoholic

Trans woman

In my 20s

VRChat cat woman

If the situation truly was hopeless, their propaganda would be unnecessary. Resist the coming times.

Peace and love

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


That’s the whole thing. I was on CGNAT, and decided to pay $10 monthly to fix it and get a public ip. But NOW I find out the fucking router doesn’t even work. It’s apparently this exact model that has the issue. And only this one. I don’t know if I could replace the firmware.

I have like 3 spare laptops, and another spare computer. I’m not running anything right now because this router doesn’t support port forwarding no matter what I try (it’s a firmware issue apparently), but they’re always there for me when I need them.