I used to have >180k points in internet magical points called karma.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023

Have you tried LocalGPT PrivateGPT or other similar alternatives to ChatGPT?
I'm interested in hosting something like this, and I'd like to know experiences regarding this topic. The main reason to host this for privacy reasons and also to integrate my own PKM data (markdown files, mainly). Feel free to recommend me videos, articles, other Lemmy communities, etc.

Nextcloud vs Syncthing for PKM notes?
I'd like to sync my markdown notes between devices (laptop and phone), which service is better: Nextcloud or Syncthing? Any other important idea I should know?, like latency times, or maximum number of synced devices, what if I edit the same note from both places without internet and then both get connected to a network... For example, I know Nextcloud let me have a history of the notes.

Hi! I am also looking for an alternative to Google Docs more oriented to LibreOffice. You said you tried Collabora for ARM64 on Nextcloud, Docker or both?

Any experiences with collaborative documents software like Collabora or OnlyOffice on a Raspberry Pi?
I have a Raspi 3b+ to play with, and thought about using it as a Google Drive alternative for collaborative docs since there are some cool stuff Google Docs can't do, but LibreOffice do. Any similar experience?