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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


Oh yeah, it’s a 3588, all out of tree, I’m very similar.

Yy3568 has most if not all of that, sata also and thats hard to find.

You only need 2 pairs for 100base-t, try forcing a lower negotiation, see if the pairs you need work? Maybe unbundle the other set of pairs and try them?

The rules now are generally: bare metal if that’s all the box will do, or it’s main task, container if it’s one of many services, vm if it’s a larger application you might migrate and i/o isn’t your limitation.

The line between container and vm is fuzzy, but bare metal means you’re making a design choice for that machine and if that or another application breaks the machine you’re screwed.

In a way freebsd is amazing for this, you put all applications in jails and don’t use the main userspace much, but the virtualiztion story isn’t quite there yet.

Strongly second vaultwarden, covets so many cases for me.

I’ve got a hacked pyqt5 script that does this, I doubt it’s what you want. Adding mysql support and eventually want to be able to have something like limited math functions so you can add all the values in a tree for stuff like total cost.

If you find something better I’d be real interested, I really want web and preferably app support.

Wsl isn’t actually slower, it uses a kernel personality mode thing that basically means Linux runs as a first class process.

The performance hit doesn’t show up for most stuff, but iirc it does show up for some heavy io, networking and some synchronization.

Still, highly not recommended.

Pi4 is powerful enough, barely. 1GB is too low, is there a 1GB Pi4? Thought it was 2GB min? Think recommendation is 4GB min, 8 better.

Storage is the real issue, it takes a lot a day, but it’s all based on unique communities subscribed on the server, so if you have 4 accounts all looking at the same 8 communities it’s the same as 1 guy looking at those 8 communities.

4GB/day for a lot of communities, obviously less for less.

Por que los dos?

Debian hypervisor with raidz2 hosting vms, the main ones being 1 main freebsd host with 20 jails containing 1-2 apps each, and 1 main debian vm hosting things that are too much of a pain in the ass to get running on freebsd, so it hosts 5 docker containers.

Rocks my world.