• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


I chimed in on the vote for Seafile on this thread. But I think it’s worth trying NextcloudPi image to see if that does what you want. I’ve been presently surprised by how well it works compared to my experience with the AIO image.

Cryptpad has a very capable Kanban in it. No mobile apps yet, but I understand that is on the road map.

Shared photo library options?
I'm starting a project along with my siblings to scan all of the family negatives, slides, and photos in an effort to preserve them. I currently have Immich as well as Nextcloud Memories internally. That said, neither seem to be ideally suited to this task. I'm looking for a solution that would allow all siblings the option to view and upload scanned pics to the same library as we work through the shoeboxes full of memories. While Immich and Nextcloud both have account support, I can't seem to find a way to share a library amongst all accounts. Does anyone have any recommendations for this project? I would then backup the scanned pictures on my server as well as B2 storage for redundancy and each sibling should have the option to download and backup the same library however they see fit. I'm running an Unraid server as well as NextcloudPi on a Pi4. I also have two very basic VPSes that I rent. I've looked at both [ente.io](https://ente.io/) and [PiWiGo](https://piwigo.org/), but am currently having trouble getting either to work (still learning this selfhost stuff). I'd like to know if anyone has used either in this type of capacity before I spend more time trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

That looks nice! I tried to my brain wrapped around Restic CLI (and others) and just didn’t click for my smooth brain. I’ll have to try this.

Dang. Again? I know they have the disclaimer that it’s not to be relied on for photo backup yet and thankfully I’m not, but it’s so much better than any of it’s peers that I’d love to ditch the other apps.

I ran Pi-hole for years. Switched to adguardhome running on 2 servers (primary and secondary) with AGH sync keeping the two instances identical. I like the UI better, dns rewrites, and the ability to simply block services entirely with a single click.

VPN to home network options
I currently have a server running Unraid as the OS, which has some WireGuard integration built in. Which I've enabled and been using to remotely access services hosted on that server. But as I've expanded to include things like Octopi running on a Pi3 and NextcloudPi running on a Pi4 (along with AdGuardHome), I'm trying to determine the best way to VPN to my home network with the goal of reaching services I'm hosting, and do it safely of course. I have a Netgear Nighthawk that has some VPN functionality built in that uses a OpenVPN account. Is that ok or would it be advisable to come in a different way?

I have NextcloudPi image running on a Pi 4 with a CODE server and Nextcloud Office both installed from the Nextcloud “app store”. This is working great for office type docs.

I will say I tried to do the same with Nextcloud docker images from linuxserver.io as well as the official AIO image and could not get the Office function to work. Both of those ran horribly on my older server too, so I gave up on them. NextcloudPi seems to be highly optimized and running well on the Pi 4.

I’ve talked mad shit about Nextcloud repeatedly. That said, I keep trying it. Almost compelled to make it work for me. This stubbornness lead me to NextcloudPi. And I don’t know what they do to that image/build, but it works very well on my Pi 4 w/4GB. Then I tried it in a docker container on my main server and it ran like trash again. So, ymmv? Easy enough to stand it up for a test though.

I’m a huge fan of Seafile. It’s the best Google drive/Dropbox replacement, imo. It does support Collabora or Open Office integration as well, but I can’t get that to work. Take that as a sign of me still learning rather than a slight against the product. I will say though, their documentation needs work. It’s quite a mess.

Memos might do the trick for you. There is a 3rd party android native app, but I found the PWA to be quite good. Markdown is stored in a single sqlite db file though, if that bugs you.

Ah, ok. I’ll have to set that up. I currently have aegis backing up to my phone’s documents folder which Seafile is syncing with my server and 3 other clients. Sounds like a similar idea

That’s great. I wonder if the same could be done on the original Xbox. I believe it had the ability to play over network connection from ISOs on a PC if modded. I have one kicking around that I have yet to put a bigger HDD in.

Funny thing, I bought this one used off eBay to interface with my CRT TV for retro games (NES/SNES) because it had analog out. I didn’t realize at the time that most, if not all pi models can do it too. It’s just combined with the 3.5mm headphone jack. It’s an AV port! Oh well, got this one for a song so I’m not too mad about it.

I did like Memories, but ultimately went with Immich so that I could access photos outside of Nextcloud.

I’m interested in the backup features you mentioned. Can you point me in the direction of something specific?

Third party apps that sync with Nextcloud
I searched quite a bit and wasn't able to find a conclusive list of available third party apps that can sync with Nextcloud. So I thought I'd start one for folks who might be interested. Feel free to chime in with any you've used! #### Notes --- **macOS**: * [Nextcloud Notes Client](https://www.midwinter-dg.com/mac-apps/nextcloud-notes-client.html) - looks exactly like Apple Notes, but syncs with NC and supports Markdown. **Linux**: * [Iotas](https://www.linuxfordevices.com/tutorials/linux/iotas-notes) - minimalist markdown notes app in the same vein as IA Writer. **Android**: * [Quillpad](https://github.com/quillpad/quillpad) - Google Keep clone that supports Markdown. Fork of Quillnotes. There are some quirks with this one. For example, if you create a task list from NC WebUI version of Notes, the checkboxes will show up in Quillnotes, but you cannot check them off as complete. Has a promising roadmap. * [Carnet](https://getcarnet.app/) - another Google Keep clone. This one has an app in the NC app store, so it has a web based counterpart unlike Quillpad. The Android app is weirdly slow to open. I'll need to test this one more. #### Tasks/ToDo --- **Android**: * [Tasks.org](https://tasks.org/) - excellent Task app. Supports subtasks, categories, reminders, recurring events. It can also sync with Google but ewwww. #### Handwritten Notes: --- **All**: * [Saber](https://saber.adil.hanney.org/) - Cross platform notes app. Akin to Samsung notes. This one is rough in my experience so far. But it has potential and I will be following to watch how it updates. #### 2FA: --- **Android**: * [Aegis](https://getaegis.app/) - excellent 2FA app. I just recently migrated out of Google and Microsoft's versions and am very happy. To be honest though, I'm not exactly sure how the NC integration works on this one, but it is mentioned on their site: > If your cloud provider supports the Storage Access Framework of Android (like Nextcloud does), it can even create automatic backups to the cloud. There are others I've tested, but not long enough to make any comments on. [Les Pas](https://github.com/scubajeff/lespas) being one of them. I'm happy with Immich, so didn't give this one a fair shake.

I used Pihole for years, but have found AGH an overall better UI from a management perspective. And a quick searchs shows that unbound can work with AGH as well so I may give that a try.

Yeah, I have a pi 3 and 4 in the “fleet” already. Was mostly just looking some something to use it for aside from wall decor.

That’s a clever idea. My UPS does already have the smart pants features like that, but I love the simplicity of that as a concept.

Raspberry Pi 1 B projects?
I have an old Pi hanging around doing nothing. When I originally got it it had the latest Pi OS with desktop loaded and ran like garbage, not surprisingly. So I messed with it headless for a bit, then found [RISCOS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RISC_OS) as an option in Pi imager utility and that is just a neat OS. Fun to play around with for sure. But now I'm wondering what else I could use the old thing for. I see folks run Pihole on it, but I've already got 2 instances of Adguard Home running. Could this handle Syncthing? Or would the data transfer be so bad it's not worth it? Wouldn't mind having an off-site backup device at my parents house if it would work. Anyone else got one in their homelab?

I thought they got rid of the free version… Does look like a really cool project though.

Well that’s the thing…I haven’t been able to get any to work yet. Their documentation isn’t great. But the one I’d really like to get going is the multi storage backend. You can then specify hot and cold storage based on the library within Seafile itself, which is pretty great. But I need someone smarter than me to figure that part out 😆

Can I ask you a question regarding that? I don’t know enough about the various apps for databases. What is preferable about postgres over Mysql/Mariadb? I’m still learning, as you can tell.

[Question] Am I the only dummy who likes Seafile?
Its stupid fast, reliable, and rarely has any conflicts. If it does it seems to work them out without intervention. I've tried Nextcloud including the AIO image and its just so clunky and slow. I was getting sync errors just on the simple Notes apps. Repeatedly. I mean I get why people like it, it can do way more than Seafile. But for a pure Dropbox replacement, I love it. The fact I can reach any file on any device *from* any other device **without** syncing EVERYTHING is fantastic. I know Syncthing is also popular, but seems to require more manual settings if you want to be selective on what syncs. I will say, I've tried and failed numerous times to get Collabora CODE and S3 storage integration to work with Seafile and that is a nightmare, at least for me. I cannot get my head around it. But standing Seafile up itself was fairly easy. Does anyone else use it? If so, have you tried the CODE and/or multiple storage backend integrations?

Popping back here just to say: still can’t get it lol I even tried Runtipi, which itself installed fine. And I was able to do one click installs on most of the apps I tested. But Cryptpad still fecked off and said “nope”.

Thank you kindly! Yeah, this one has been a bear for me. Probably a bit ambitious for a relatively new self-hoster. But hey, I like to learn by doing.

Just running node as that is what the instructions mentioned. Do you have a link or something I can search for that might lead me to how I should replace one with the other?

The diagnosis link goes nowhere for me. I double checked my DNS records on Cloudflare:

  1. A record for root domain pointing to VPS target, not proxied through CF
  2. A record for subdomain pointing to VPS target, not proxied through CF

From my understanding I don’t need any others? At least I think I read that right.

Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site. We can’t connect to the server at cryptpad.mydomain.com. If you entered the right address, you can:

  • Try again later
  • Check your network connection
  • Check that Firefox has permission to access the web (you might be connected but behind a firewall)

Cryptpad installation troubles
I'm trying to stand up an instance of Cryptpad on a VPS. I have followed 3 different articles to try to get my way through it. They all end in the same result, browser errors and I see the Cryptpad logo with "loading" and that's it. Browser error is always some variation of this: ![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/8787a23b-f359-4283-b85c-2406d33d65d9.png) NOTE: Actual error I receive right now, blurring out my domain name And I don't know enough of HTML and JS to figure this out beyond it's missing something it's looking for. I *did* get it to load once, where the icons for the various apps loaded, but clicking on any of them yielded similar errors. The tutorials I tried (formatting and reloading the OS between attempts): 1. [Official documentation](https://docs.cryptpad.org/en/admin_guide/index.html) 2. [How To Forge](https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-cryptpad-collaborative-office-suite-on-ubuntu-22-04/) 3. [Make Tech Easy](https://www.maketecheasier.com/create-self-hosted-office365-with-cryptpad/) Option 3 was the clearest tutorial by far, but I still ran into issues. I followed each step exactly and still can't seem to figure this out. Does anyone have a second set of eyes and point out what I'm clearly doing wrong? I don't *think* I missed any steps in my multitude of attempts, but clearly I am. I know I can pay someone to host it or use a public instance, but I'd really like to know what I missed so I can learn from it.

I’ll echo AGH being better. And there’s a sync if you run two instances like I do. Wallabag is solid and its even better with Minflux as your RSS reader. Super tight integration to save from RSS to Wallabag. Love it.

I gotta say, Nextcloud AIO was an absolute removed to setup in my case too. And the fact you have to purge so much stuff to start over is lame. Granted my hardware is older, so it doesn’t run well, but man…what a chore to even get it setup.