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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


You’ll need to disable proxy, run certbot, then re enable proxy.

LE won’t sign a site already cf encrypted, or behind cf (even with cf SSL disabled.)

You could try a DNS challenge or other method.


In this episode of “Doing everything the hardest way possible.”

Cloudflare has SSL, y u need mo?

I think release notes and bugfix can be a simple link. The post is pages of this in my client.

I treat links like atomic notes. I add as much detail as I feel like to each link, sometimes I go back and add tags and notes. Then I have an exceptionally poor process that attempts to go back to each link, get the archivebox archive and uses python to attempt to grab the article text (I tried using newspaper3k at first, but it’s unmaintained, so moved to readability). Then sticks the resulting link text into the note.

Honestly It’s a mess, and I really haven’t figured out how to do link things together very well, but, for now, it’s my little disaster of a solution.

Reduce your threat profile. Run sslh, 443 handles both SSL and ssh. Adjust your host based firewall to just 443 Attack yourself on that port, identify the logs Add the new profiles to fail2ban Enable fail2ban email If you don’t like email, use a service that translates email to notification. Ntfy.sh is free notifications Or… Use something like tailscale and don’t offer a remote login to the general Internet.

I submitted your post to got here’s what it thought


Archivebox is in my obsidian workflow, it grabs every link in my vault and archives it. I didn’t see an API in linkwarden, perhaps I missed it.

https://alternativeto.net/software/bigbluebutton/?license=opensource https://alternativeto.net/software/nextcloud/

Alternative too has great suggestions to get started.

I’m a bigbluebutton fan, a friend of mine uses whereby and it works great, with absolutely no registration needed. https://alternativeto.net/software/appear-in/about/

Next cloud/own cloud is great

I’ve migrated to tutanota for email/calendar. I miss Google calendar though.