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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2024


If you know how to use containers then go for debian as the server OS and run everything you need as containers.

Debian is community based distro, very stable, major updates every few years, ubuntu and other distros use it as a base.

Get familiar with working on the command line, try nano as an easy text editor und use docker compose.

I did not test TrueNAS, I do know the scale version can run containers too, but I do not know how stable ur usable it is. You should go for the classic linux approach with Debian. Much more fun to learn :)

Suggestions for file sync / android backup / sharing software (nextcloud alternative)
Hello everyone, Since my daughter was born I am searching for a solution to share pictures of our child with my wife and create a copy of each smartphones photos and other files (documents). At first I tried nextcloud, but there is a lot of overhead and the administration feels kind of complex for what I need. Anyone else having some input on which software to use? So my main goal is: Software running on raspberry pi (preferable docker). Has abilities like shared folder where pictures and documents get uploaded from multiple users and can be viewed (collaboration editing is not needed). Automatically copy files from smartphone (android) to raspberry from selected folder for a simple redundancy.