• 4 Posts
Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 11, 2023


You’re right. I was just trying something different. My thinking was…hmm I don’t need a full SMTP IMAP system, Thunderbird can do that. So I searched and found a dockerized Thunderbird. But it turns out to be an idiotic implementation. Why would I install a full OS system to VNC into it to use an app inside of it. But maybe that’s easier for some people than to try and come up with a better way to send and receive authenticated emails?

I just posted this latest email about a traffic violation apparently. It’s just a scam. A fantastic scam too.

But then I don’t get all the previous mail forwarded. I have to go get zip files and such.

I’m going to try using round cube. If it can go into my own SMTP and IMAP it should be able to go into Google’s. But how do I archive/retrieve emails so they live only on my server after extraction from Google. I want to keep IMAP but not share my IMAP folders with Google.

This was the biggest let down ever this weekend!

Email wowsers continue
Well I set up my email server thru cloudflare and managed to receive emails directly to my basement server. I could live with this and the various security threats incoming thru my unifi. But one thing is for sure, my wife won't have any of it. She's a total backwards thinking give me windows or I'll jump kind of Gal. So I found that I could run a dockerized Thunderbird instance and I thought ... Wow! I can just login to it from my computer or my phone, Surely this is it! I can have emails backed up from Gmail to my server and just access my server! And you know what? It works! I can access my Gmail on my browser! It's beautiful!.... But then I login through my phone and wow! I can access my Gmail! Thru my phone! Except the interface is the same as my desktop. It's literally a VNC to the server. I can login to it on my desktop and watch the mouse move as I move my finger on my phone! Great party trick, but....the text is microscopic. So is there another way to get IMAP and SMTP interface to Gmail, archiving all emails on my own server? I literally don't want any of my emails to live on a Gmail server, but I want to be able to send receive and search emails I previously passed through Gmail but now live on my server.

I think I’m going to set up my mx record and get docker mail server setup. It’s not very clear what I can actually do. Like I don’t need an alias. Mostly what I want is to send and receive emails without Gmail in the middle asking for money and scaring the shit out of me with deleting emails, archiving, loosing fidelity, whatever they do. I can come up with 15gigs of free space on my server a bizillion times over, I don’t need that heartache in my life. This sort of blackmail should be totally illegal. I consider my self a savvy person but damn, this is hard. Now imagine my mom or my wife or even my kids. It’s fucked that we can’t escape the G grip easily now that everything revolves around email authentication. It’s a tax on everything… banking, joining a forum, keeping pictures from your phone hacked up. Everything! Gmail has got to go.

Here’s a good example of why I’m getting out of Gmail:


Since the government already has their sights on breaking them up, it would be a good idea to GTFO way before they implode:

I’ve found some interesting options here, but everyone wants to own your data. Just put it all in our servers, c’mon! It’s free or low price, we’re you centric and not as centric…


Sure. But I want my stuff in my basement server and not in their basement server 😭.

Looks good but it’s basically another place for my emails to be be stuck at for decades. Maybe I’ll look at the way they route email.

It’s an easy fix, if I and everyone else can’t setup our own servers safely, then why use email at all? Just stop using email and let Gmail add a few thousand more hoops…portggf, sspf, dkjg, Chddth, Chat-GPT. Whatever they want so it is super super “safe”. The rest of us, are we stupid? What about this message? How come this is easy? Setup my own instance and bam I can talk to other people with very little spam I literally have to work to get any attention at all on the fediverse. Why isn’t there a file/text sending app for the fediverse yet? Or maybe there’s one and I just haven’t seen it yet?

I hear you. However I’m a practical person. I understand that spam has made it difficult for everyone to use email. How can I put this. Basically I got a ton of emails trapped in Google servers. I like the idea that someone proposed of using paperless since I already use that. But also I guess email is worthless so I shouldn’t keep trying? Maybe you’re right. It’s time for email to not be used. Any suggestions for what I should use instead of email which are a few clicks and done?

In the end, I want to have my emails self hosted from my house. Meaning that I can go to my local computers or my phone locally or remotely to the mailu interface, I can send and receive emails using my user1@mysite.com email and none of that email ends up on a Gmail or protonmail server stuck there forever. I can’t download all my Gmail to Thunderbird on my computer because then my phone would not have access to it. So to me that just means that I need to host the email server at home, but how to safely access it is the ideal solution.

Email server thru cloudflare
It's a bad title, but I'm trying to figure out how to describe what I want. First, I got my photoprism working thru cloudflare. Now, on the same domain I would like an email address. So mysite.com gets routed to 56.654.234.12 let's say by cloudflare such that a global user never sees my ip. But mail.mysite.com that's different, they don't proxy email so if you do a reverse lookup you can find the origin IP. I heard about tunnels so I stupidly signed up for that, only to learn that a tunnel just lets you into an internal network. So an SMTP server can't get emails from outside that way. Ideally, somehow I could setup one user at Gmail or proton mail, then somehow setup the same or different user...user1@mysite.com and I could then use mailu, mailcow, mail docker to house my user1@mysite.com which routes mail thru Gmail or protonmail. I know all this makes little sense because I don't know the proper way, so that's my question for you smart people who have done this twice over. Could someone point me to the best way of setting up a local mail server that routes thru cloudflare but is not easily reverse looked up? Is that even a problem at all?

Some hardware talk
I am currently serving a photoprism instance for my self and the wife. I want to expand to have everyone's home folder on the server. So we would have 5 home folders, all lunuxes. Anyway so I'm looking at some old servers that actually look pretty good. HPE Proliant DL360 Gen9 I've been comparing it with other servers and it seems to be the easiest to use for the semi intrepid admin wannabe that I am. Is there anything better in the sub $300 range?

I back up every morning to get to work and every afternoon to get back home lol

No matter what I try I keep getting a 404 error. I’m taking now the shotgun approach and changing the yml file copy paste from anyone and anything out there that has ever reported a successful configuration LOL. I lost all hope. Installing Traefik is a Total undeniable PITA.

The first thing is that the documentation is all over the place like a rainbow of letters just threw up into the Internet.

Hey here’s a configuration that works! – api.insecure! .nah! It’s – “ap.insecure”!.. nah you have to add $ to every letter on Wednesday and then wait for the _ and press *** three times and hit enter the word not the keyboard key but the font has to be in bold and you have to use an old IMAC.

Guys your software is shit if no one can install it. This is my third weekend trying stuff to get it to run. I got it to work one time. In fact it does probably run but I just can’t get to the damned dashboard… Is it localip.dashboard.com? Is it dashboard.ip:8080/username?

Frustrated 🥴.

Mailu+Photoprism using Traefik, NGINX, & Cloudflare
Hello, I recently got into Photoprism and it's now my one and only app that I care to spend time feeding. Except Google says I'm running out of space please buy more and I want to do badly but nah. So I found mailu to be a pretty simple docker. Photoprism was working so well initially as dynamic DNS and then I moved to Cloudflare and the world opened up for more. Cloudflare wanted money for portzilla so I found NGINX and that reverse proxy manager is awesome. However I could not figure out how to set it up to get mailu working. I found hints that Traefik could fix that with simple yml files per each service. Could someone please share some info on this? I so far have gotten Traefik to come up but then followed a YouTube video to add TLS and I'm not able to login internally or externally. I think the cloudflare connection is working because I get the same 404 error page as I do locally with as an example I get the same page as "my page.com". The video said to expect that but did not elaborate as to how they fix it or how they bring NGINX under the traefik umbrella. https://youtu.be/XH9XgiVM_z4?si=G8BQXd3zO5AhILy- He has the config files here: https://github.com/JamesTurland/JimsGarage/tree/main I used his version 3 per the video, but now I can't get to the dashboard. Anyway after I do figure out this dashboard, the next hurdle would be to figure out how to setup mailu so I can send emails to me@mail.mypage.com I'm behind an ONT, which can forward ports and then a Unifi Controller with USG which can also forward ports. Currently I'm forwarding 80 and 443 on both right to the computer holding docker.