• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023

Concert Notifications
I am curious if there is a good solution for getting notified about concerts. I'm imagining software that scans your music collection (mp3s, Spotify, YouTube music, etc) and then sends a notification when one of your artists is playing nearby.

Fenrus can be setup with different user dashboards and even a guest (no login) dashboard. Not sure about Authelia support though

Edit for link to project: https://github.com/revenz/Fenrus

I hadn’t heard of Cockpit in a couple years, but it looks like exactly what I need. Thanks for the recommendation!

OMV5 issues, can I install something else for temporary server administration?
Hi all you smart lads and lasses, My home server is currently running openmediavault 5 and the admin panel will not load anymore. I'm unable to run omv-repair or any of their similar commands, so I've been keeping it up-to-date with ash and apt. There are lots of permission related items I'm not great at using CLI though. Could I install something like Yunohost on top to get a GUI admin panel back? I tried CasaOS which seemed to lack this type of functionality. Looking for a band-aid for a busy few months until I can refresh my server and install Proxmox. Thanks for any suggestions!

Recommended Domain & DDNS Providers?
I'm using DuckDNS currently, but am hoping to up my game with Caddy etc and want my own domain with more than the 5 subdomains. Any recommendations for providers?

😄 That would’ve been so fun when I was younger. Getting new tapes in the mail!! Now it seems awful, haha.

They’re touring for their album’s anniversary this year. I’m going to see them in Denver 🙌

Thanks for everyone’s suggestions! This morning I came across this music-centered awesome list and thought I’d share it.


Best file sharing/syncing for long distance music recordings
Hi all! My friends and I are hoping to continue writing and recording music though we live very far apart now. We all use MacBooks for recording tracks, and I was curious if anyone has a good way to share/sync our recordings with each other. Years ago I used Resilio Sync without much fuss, though I'd lean more towards Syncthing now. I have a always-on and internet-connected home Linux server. Thanks for any suggestions! Edit: I forgot to mention my buddies are not techy types, so ease-of-use on their end is an important feature.