• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2023


Not enough info. Those are two different things.

One of my next steps was hardening my OPNSense router as it handles all the edge network reverse proxy duties, so IDS was in the list. I’m digging into Crowdsec now, it looks like there’s an implementation for OPNsense. Thanks for the tip!

Nextcloud zero day security
What is everyone doing? SELinux? AppArmor? Something else? I currently leave my nextcloud exposed to the Internet. It runs in a VM behind an nginx reverse proxy on the VM itself, and then my OPNSense router runs nginx with WAF rules. I enforce 2fa and don't allow sign-ups. My goal is protecting against ransomware and zerodays (as much as possible). I don't do random clicking on links in emails or anything like that, but I'm not sure how people get hit with ransomware. I keep nextcloud updated (subscribed to RSS update feed) frequently and the VM updates everyday and reboots when necessary. I'm running the latest php-fpm and that just comes from repos so it gets updated too. HTTPS on the lan with certificates maintained by my router, and LE certs for the Internet side. Beside hiding this thing behind a VPN (which I'm not prepared to do currently), is there anything else I'm overlooking?

radarr, docker & nvenc
Anyone done this? Got a set of repeatable instructions? My understanding is that the root docker image needs to switch from alpine to ubuntu and that hasn't happened yet.

Running multiple activitypub services on single domain
How do you configure your webfingers to support multiple subdomains that host AP services? Edit: looks like someone filed this issue. If you have a GitHub account, please thumbs up/bump it! https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/issues/3563

This is good to know as I’ll be seeing up a new opnsense router in the next few weeks.

I usually manage it by Artist/Album/ReleaseId/# - Trackname. I use Beets, because it’s the only one that seems to have a concept of release.

Some stuff is just better hosted in a proper data center. Like mail, DNS or a search engine. Some stuff, like sensitive data, is better hosted on your own hardware in your home.

Webfinger and multiple Fediverse services on a domain
How does this work? How do you host pixelfed.domain.com and mastodon.domain.com together in the same domain, with queries for "@user@domain.com" to the webfinger host path? I'm other words, how does the querying application know which resource it needs? How do you know that a pixelfed instance will get the pixelfed resource versus the mastodon resource?

Did you buy chance do a release upgrade? I had this happen in a headless VM I run, upgrading from 20.04 to 22.04 VM would become unresponsive (go to sleep) and I would have to wake it up. For whatever reason, a full desktop gui and accessories had been installed. So I ripped all that out via apt and everything was ok after that. This VM has been upgraded over before from 18, and has been running for years so I had not seen this issue before (it runs my Plex server and a bunch of accessory docker containers).

Permissive mode is definitely a life saver. My path was usually exercising the application in permissive mode for a few days then running the SELinux scanner on the log file to determine what roles needed to be setup. Same with the Debian/Ubuntu equivalent.

Good luck!

What is the reason to shy away from Ubuntu? It is pretty solid in terms of automatic updating and rebooting. I used to be hardcore centos but I gave up after all of the hubbub around 8. I just need to server to update, reboot when necessary and keep running all my stuff so I don’t have to touch it. In my old age, I don’t care to tinker anymore - I just want my services running and I want reports given to me about health and status.

Also, if you’re concerned about privilege escalation, running a MAC is probably a good idea. SELinux saved my hide one a dozen years ago with a php bug where I did not sandbox an app properly. Thankfully, SELinux caught this and prevented anything bad from happening.

Secure SSH. You should disable all password login capability and tighten the ciphers, KEX and MAC requirements. This will force modern SSH terminal use, something a lot of bots don’t do, so they won’t even get to the point of key exchange.


On your client, you can define an SSH config with a list of friendly host names that include direct IP addresses, the key to use to initiate login and whatever other properties you need. This way, you can just type in “ssh” and you don’t need to specify the key or IP address every time.

Finally, configure Fail2Ban to ban/block on first failed SSH attempt. You won’t be falling to login if you’ve configured a config definition file and are using keys.