• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


It sounds very promising.

Thanks. I really appreciate all those “niche” products. With just web research I wouldn’t have found it.

Even if it’s a bit different. It’s always nice to see what’s out there. I will definitively look into it.

SMTP Relay for monitoring - custom domain
Hi there, what SMTP relay's / services do you use or can recommend for sending monitoring alerts. I'm running a few services, but mostly all my custom scripts, and tasks are configured to sent an e-mail if something goes "off-script". Before I used my gmail account - but I'm in the middle of migrating away, and my requirements have evolved. I've searched but I haven't found anything good. Services like Mailgun, Mailtrap etc. are nice - but their bundle's are a bit much for my taste. The service/ relay should meet the following requirements. - bring your own domain (use your own domain/ or sub-domains as sender address) - must have DKIM (anything else is not a serious service!) - support SMTP via TLS - support multiple SMTP clients, with each different credentials/ secrets - Allow custom header/ envelope changes At the moment I'm looking at Amazon SES, because I don't expect a lot of messages (I had 3 alerts in the last 1,5 yrs).

Many people underestimate it, my goto for a fast an reliable file share service, which does just that, is production ready, has great client software and uses just few resources.


I’m not sure if it’s still valid, but Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) had a 4 vCPU, 24 GB RAM, 200 GB HDD free tier. No costs, ever! You could sign up there and setup an even bigger instance.

I know it’s been mentioned before - but plain Wireguard is my way to go. KISS - keep it simple, stupid! setup might be a little bit of a learning curve, but once you got it for one device, others aren’t a big issue.

I had a CA, with OpenVPN, but that’s to much for a small setup like remote access to your home network.

Use it on iOS, Ubuntu and Windows to access my home services and DNS (Split-Tunnel).

It’s a pretty easy setup on OpenWrt. A quick look into the fresh tomato wiki tells me, that it shouldn’t be to complicated to achieve on your router (firmware). If you need help with setting Wireguard up, let me know, I’m happy to help out.

Funny 😄 pretty much asked myself the same thing, the day before yesterday.

Specifically, I have been looking for encrypted mail hosters supporting your own domain. Also, hosting in Europe on dedicated Hardware (or at least guaranteed European VPS), GDPR compliance and some sort of certification/ verification of the said requirements and their claims!

What I came up with:

  • mailbox.org (never heard of it before, but pretty much has your requirements covered) <- Tor nodes, anonymous accounts(no personal data at all!)
  • proton mail
  • Tutanota (pretty young - but interesting concept)

I won’t cite their individual plans - that’s for you to figure out in detail.

The thing that bugs me with the Proton Mail and Tutanota, to effectively make use of their threat model/ encryption you have to use their Apps/ Software. EDIT: I’m currently using Microsoft365 - with it you are pretty much locked in - I fear with Proton or Tutanota it’s the same. Migrating is a pain.

I’m trying mailbox.org at the moment - they got a 30-free trail.