Blockchain Security Engineer | Penetration Testing | Educational Technologies | MSc in Blockchain && Digital Currencies at University Of Nicosia 🇨🇾🇪🇺 | Founder of TuxHouseEdu | The creator of Blockchain Camera |

Based in Athens, Greece, EU 🇪🇺🇬🇷

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


Hey, I tried to run this container but I can’t make it functional… Do I need to modify something else from my host (I am talking about fw).

So long partner... Any recommended alternative?

Well, personally I prefer the one with Enforcing Selinux by default.🐘

But if it does not getting any updates, it is a bit risky… Find a custom which gets security updates and then do whatever they say in other comments.

Personally I use Caddy reverse proxy server and Pihole. I have configured my IP as a domain name in local DNS (

Caddy supports automatic TLS 1.3 support. So I just copied the CA file snd I installed to all of my devices (even in my Oculus Quest 2). I want to watch movies? I am coming to i want to read my books?

Caddy configuration is very easy, even using containers with docker.

Personally I am shutting down my server in the midnights to make it relax for a bit. #MentallySupportingOurHomeServers Butt yes, I still agree with the comments above, even if theserver is not directly connected on Internet, upgrading is mandstory nowadays. Bots are everywhere, especially nowadays with all of these AI tools.