• 7 Posts
Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 10, 2024


Romania, and I didn’t understand your second question.

I bought VPS and configured [wg-easy](https://github.com/wg-easy/wg-easy), but speed for download is too slow, while speed for uploading is not so bad. Why this might be happening?

coturn can’t get access to certificates
My certificates are in /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/, and when I trying to start coturn I receiving: "0: : WARNING: cannot find certificate file..." I'm interested, what is the best way to solve this problem?

what meta search engine to host?
I want to host some engine, but don't know which. I know about searxng and 4get, for example, but I know that there are a lot of other search engines. Here is question: how to pick one and by what criteria?

Can’t join on own xmpp server, only through admin account.
For some reason I can't log in to my xmpp server from any account other than my admin account. The client says that registration is only through invitation.

What advice can you give to a beginner?
You may have noticed a few of my posts here, I am very interested in self-hosting and what advice can you give to a newbie? maybe some literature, video, I don’t know~

Stuck on Let’s Encrypt certificate issuance due to firewall issue even after opening necessary ports
Hello everyone, I've been trying to set up a Mumble voice chat server on my home network using a Debian server. As part of the setup process, I need to obtain an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt for secure HTTPS access to the server. However, I'm encountering an error when running the Certbot client to request the certificate. Here's the command I'm running: sudo certbot certonly -d mydomain.com But I get the following error message: Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem) I've checked my firewall rules and confirmed that I've opened port 80 as required for the Let's Encrypt verification process. Here's the relevant rule in my ufw configuration: 80/tcp ALLOW Anywhere Despite this, I'm still getting the timeout error. Has anyone else encountered this issue before? What steps should I take to troubleshoot further? Thanks in advance for any advice!

What you can recommend for first time?
I wanted te host own matrix server, but it's seems too complicated for the first time hosting. So, what do you recommend?