• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023

Proxmox Ubuntu VM has “graphical” console
This is kind of hard to explain, but hopefully it makes sense. I don't think a screenshot would help because everything "LOOKS" fine. But the characters in my Ubuntu VM console look funny. And I can't drag my mouse across the text to select it. Nor cacn I right-click. The console works fine, and I can run commands. I don't see the Ubuntu desktop, just this console. I don't even really need the desktop, but if it's there and I can start it up when I want it, that will be OK, but for now I would like to figure out how to get a regular console for this VM. Any ideas? Thanks, and sorry for the newb question!

Initial steps with OPNSense
I am going to build a router with OPNSense (in Proxmox, on an HP thin client). I am stuck with setting up the networking (I have the Inel 4-port card). I don't really know how to get started. Right now my device has one LAN cable going into it, and my consumer router is doing everything. I can set up a bridge for the other ports, but what IP address will I use for the LAN? I can't use because that will collide with my consumer router. Do I just take my consumer router offline while I am setting this up?I'd rather not because for sure I will get stuck and will want to look something up online. I guess I could use my phone but not the best when I am trying to see someone setting up something like this. Silly question, I know, but I just can't think of a clean way to get this going with minimal disruption. In a nutshell, what's a good strategy for setting up and testing the OPNSense while it's not actually doing any routing and then seemlessly drop it in and start working on it?

pfsense: Who needs AES-NI?
I'm thinking about building a box for pfsense. Looking at hardware options and I see a pretty significant difference in price when comparing hardware with and without AES-NI. I don't necessarily think I'll need AES. The way I understand it, AES is for using VPN that is somehow running on the router??? I mean, my wife and I both use VPNs on our work computers so we can reach our work networks, but that isn't using any encryption features on my router, is it?? Or am I not understanding?