Interests: Linux, Fountain Pens, Rugby, Selfhosting, and a bit of boardgaming, rpgs, and Nintendo switch gaming.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Has anyone tried selfhosting ente photos? Curious how well it works.

I hope they really do it. I’d love notes in Thunderbird.

Memos looks pretty good with the MoeMemos app. Although it doesn’t look like video/audio is supported.

Selfhosted private/secure blog/journal
I am looking for self hosted blog/journal that is private by default. Not looking to host a public blog, rather something that I can write more personal entries on and is easy to read later. I want to be able to include multimedia in the entries. Currently I'm thinking of a Mastodon server with posts set to private by default and turning off federation. It would be awesome to be able to post from my phone as events happen rather than having to find time later. I've tried around with using IMAP and an email client, but not sold on it. Tried using a calendar, but too cludgy. Open to other ideas!

I have it running on Yunohost. Point and click to try it out before moving to a container and just never got around to doing it in a container.

My useless advice: Do it in phases as you learn.

  • Start off with Yunohost. It is simple to get started and works pretty well. Try different apps to see what you like and what might be worth using for real. Just make sure that you keep in mind this is more of a “proof of concept” for testing things. Unless you plan to purchase another mini pc later.
  • When you feel like you have out grown it and want to start learning more about things, you can move to something like Proxmox. This allows you to create virtual machines and play with containers (docker/lxc). If you plan well, you can back up your Yunohost data and configs to another drive, wipe Yunohost install and replace it with Proxmox. Then install a VM running Yunohost and restore your data and configs you previously backed up.
  • Then you can start playing with lxc containers and docker containers.
  • If you can get a second machine with multiple drives, install TrueNAS or OMV. Use that to store all of your data on NFS drive that you mount from your Proxmox VMs and containers.

Years ago I used to run a linux server with everything installed under Apache virtual directories and fought the constant upgrade cycle. Life got in the way and I gave up on it until the pandemic slowed life down enough for me to start playing again. So I went the Yunhost route on an old Mac Mini. I now have a 3 node Proxmox cluster with Yunhost in a VM (with a dozen apps running on it) and another 15-20 containers running under either lxc or docker. I eventually purchased a cheap NAS device for data storage so that I could make use of the Proxmox fail over capabilities.

If your mini pc has the capability for two drives, install the OS on one and store data on the other (unless/until you get a second pc/NAS).

Curious if it is powerful enough to run more than a couple of light weight services on it.