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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Apr 21, 2024


I’m running the mastodon stack in docker via a compose file. It was straight forward. Follow the instructions to the letter and it will work.

I will say that it is in your best interest to have an automated update process happen, either manually (via cron) multiple times a day or have some kind of orchestration layer that manages updating the component images once they are released. Mastodon has had some nasty 0 day bugs that involved account and server takeover that had to be fixed immediately, and you don’t want to lag very far behind in those cases.


Docker compose from their repo:


Chromaprint Discogs Acoustibrainz submit Replaygain

I think that’s it off the top of my head. I also keep my albums separated by release, as there’s multiple releases of albums and I didn’t like mixing that stuff up.