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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


Would that be sufficient



Three copies; your working copy, and a cloud copy, and (as an example) on and external HD that you keep at a friend’s house….

On two separate media… so yes cloud can cover that

One off site. So yeah cloud covers that.

Encryption on your off site copies. Yeah I don’t care if they are Linux ISOs or your grandmas recipes. ENCRYPTED

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

I don’t use b2, rather; I have a personal account. Backing up 3 computers and they’ve never said anything over years So. Yeah it’s fine

I love pihole, for my family it is better as it helps on all the devices. Being able to block malware and tracking is nice too

There are options good and bad.

I’d back up just the dockers. The OS can be rebuilt easily enough. Yes Rsync the data

Or. Shut it down, pull the SD card, put it in another computer and rip it as an image, Full bootable backup

I would do the first not the second.

Kindle screens are very good , but eff Bezos

An iPad is versatile, but then Apple…

But FOR ME, I cannot read books on a computer screen, it is just too awkward.

So yes I iPad.

Yes our servers running esxi boot from an SD card

But. That’s not to say you won’t have issues.

As others are saying distro matters