• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


4 currently with 8GB RAM and no pass through for transcoding (only direct play)

That’s a good point; My Virtualization server is running on a (fairly beefy) Intel NUC, and it has 2 eth ports on it. One is for management, and the other I plug my VLAN trunk into, which is where all the traffic is going through. I will limit the connection speed of the client that is pulling large video files in hopes the line does not saturate, and long term I’ll try to get a different box where I can separate the VLAN’s onto their own ports instead of gloming them all into one port.

I typically prefer VM’s just because I can change the kernel as I please (containers such as LXC will use the host kernel). I know it’s overkill, but I have the storage/ memory to spare. Typically I’m at about 80% (memory) utilization under full load.

Yeah, I’ve been looking into it for some time. It seems to normally be an issue on the client side (Nvidia shield), the playback will stop randomly and then restart, and this may happen a couple times (no one really knows why, it seems). I recently reinstalled that server on a new VM and a new OS (Debian) with nothing else running on it, and the only client to seem to be able to cause the crash is the TV running the Shield. It’s hard to find a good client for Jellyfin on the TV it seems :(

Proxmox VM’s hanging when one has issues
I've noticed that sometimes when a particular VM/ service is having issues, they all seem to hang. For example, I have a VM hosting my DNS (pihole) and another hosting my media server (jellyfin). If Jellyfin crashes for some reason, my internet in the entire house also goes down because it seems DNS is unable to be reached for a minute or so while the Jellyfin VM recovers. Is this expected, and is there a way to prevent it?

Best practice for external facing service
On my network, I have quite a few VLANS. One for work, one for IoT devices, one for security cameras and home automation, one for Guests, etc. I typically keep everything inward facing, with the only way to access them via my OpenVPN connection (which only can see specific services on specific VLANs). Recently, I thought of hosting a little Lemmy instance, since I have a couple domains I'm not doing much with. I know I can just expose that one system/NGINX proxy and the necessary ports via WAN, but is it best practice to put external facing things on their own VLANs? I was thinking of just throwing it on my IoT VLAN, but if it were to be compromised, it would have access to other devices on that VLAN because (to my knowledge) you cannot prevent communication between clients within the same VLAN.

Understanding proxies
Hey all, So I've been playing with Nginx so that I can reference my self hosted services internally by hostname rather than by IP and port. I set some custom entries in my pihole, setup the proxies on Nxing, and boom. All is working as expected. I can access Jellyfin via jellyfin.homelab, amp via amp.homelab, etc. I wanted to have all of these internally facing, because I don't really have a need for them outside of my network, and really just wanted the convenience of referencing them. Question 1) If I wanted to add SSL certs to my made up `homelab` domain, how hard would that be? Question 2) When accessing something like Jellyfin via jellyfin.homelab, all traffic is then going through my nginx VM, correct? Or is Nginx just acting as a sort of lookup which passes on the correct IP and port information?