• 2 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Nov 29, 2021

Automated CI/CD Data Snapshots
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/16693054 > Is there a feature in a CI/CD pipeline that creates a snapshot or backup of a service's data prior to running a deployment? The steps of a ideal workflow that I am searching for are similar to: > > 1. CI tool identifies new version of service and creates a pull request > 1. Manually merge pull request > 1. CD tool identifies changes to Git repo > 1. CD tool creates data snapshot and/or data backup > 1. CD tool deploys update > 1. Issue with deployment identified that requires rollback > 1. Git repo reverted to prior commit and/or Git repo manually modified to prior version of service > 1. CD tool identifies the rolled back version > 1. (OPTIONAL) CD tool creates data snapshot and/or data backup > 1. CD tool reverts to snapshot taken prior to upgrade > 1. CD tool deploys service to prior version per the Git repo > 1. (OPTIONAL) CD tool prunes data snapshot and/or data backup based on provided parameters (eg - delete snapshots after _ days, only keep 3 most recently deployed snapshots, only keep snapshots for major version releases, only keep one snapshot for each latest major, minor, and patch version, etc.)

[Question] Automated CI/CD Data Snapshots
Is there a feature in a CI/CD pipeline that creates a snapshot or backup of a service's data prior to running a deployment? The steps of a ideal workflow that I am searching for are similar to: 1. CI tool identifies new version of service and creates a pull request 1. Manually merge pull request 1. CD tool identifies changes to Git repo 1. CD tool creates data snapshot and/or data backup 1. CD tool deploys update 1. Issue with deployment identified that requires rollback 1. Git repo reverted to prior commit and/or Git repo manually modified to prior version of service 1. CD tool identifies the rolled back version 1. (OPTIONAL) CD tool creates data snapshot and/or data backup 1. CD tool reverts to snapshot taken prior to upgrade 1. CD tool deploys service to prior version per the Git repo 1. (OPTIONAL) CD tool prunes data snapshot and/or data backup based on provided parameters (eg - delete snapshots after _ days, only keep 3 most recently deployed snapshots, only keep snapshots for major version releases, only keep one snapshot for each latest major, minor, and patch version, etc.)

Raspberry Pi + PiHole + PiVPN = Network Gateway Drug

Although, PiVPN is winding down so you might want to find something different instead. Setting up a regular Wireguard VPN isn’t so bad, but it may be simpler to setup a Tailscale Tailnet.


Change Detection can be used for several use cases. One of them is monitoring price changes.