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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I use a mikrotik RB5009 for my 2.5gb routing. It technically can hit 10gbps via routing.

Switching you can try https://mikrotik.com/product/crs305_1g_4s_in

I have a hot storage NAS that backups to a warm storage NAS.

I backup every week and scrub every month.

I have 2 x ZFS1 pools that contains 3 x 20TB disks each.

With ECC ram, scrubbing, and independent pools, it’ll take a house fire to kill my local storage.

I also have a constant backing to Backblaze and yearly encrypted backup that I ship to a friend across the world.

I’ve had this happen when I had ram issues. You can try doing a memory test if you want to take that out of the equation.