• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


I’m glad you were able to solve the problem, I add the comment I made to another user with the same problem:

Didn’t know about this problem. I’ll try to add a MariaDB alternative database option soon.

Didn’t know about this problem. I’ll try to add a MariaDB alternative database option soon to solve this.

Unfortunately, not yet. Whisper per se is not able to do that. Currently, there are few viable solutions for integration, and I’m looking at this one, but all current solutions I know about need GPU for this.

Whisper models have a very good WER (word error ratio) for languages like Spanish, English, French… if you use the english-only models it also improves. Check out this page on the docs:


Hi everyone! A few days ago I released Whishper, a new version of a project I've been working for about a year now. It's a self-hosted audio transcription suite, you can transcribe audio to text, generate subtitles, translate subtitles and edit them all from one UI and 100% locally (it even works offline). I hope you like it, check out the website for self-hosting instructions: https://whishper.net