• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 17, 2022

Some sort of all-in-one video platform viewer…thing?
I've recently gotten on board with Invidous/Viewtube - and they're both great in their own ways. I like not having the algorithm hide or force new content down my throat, but I'm wondering if there's a way to take this to the next level. I also subscribe to nebula - and have some patreon exclusive videos. It would be amazing to gather them all together in one location - is there some self-hosted option for this? Maybe some combination of yt-dlp + plex/jellyfin?

I’ll come out with an anti-recommendation: Don’t do GitLab.

They used to be quite good, but lately (as in the past two years or so) they’ve been putting things behind a licensing paywall.

Now if your company wants to pay for GitLab, then maybe consider it? But I’d probably look at some of the other options people have mentioned in this thread.

Oh snap, are you the developer of Viewtube? If so, first off - great job. I do the infrastructure side of IT for my day job but aside from some basic go, I couldn’t code something like this to save my life.

I wish I had the chops to contribute to the project.

Self-hosted YouTube frontend with some additional features
I've been running [Viewtube](https://viewtube.io/) in my homelab for my family after the actual YouTube started misbehaving. Was it because I use Firefox? DNS adblock? Unlock origin? Who knows! I absolutely love that with Viewtube I can make the front page only my subscriptions. It seems to be relatively low on resource usage as well. But lately, the lack of features is starting to get to me - namely closed captions and "Add to queue". Are there any other self hosted options that are more feature rich in this regard?

Adding to this - I have those adapters to, ans fyi they don’t support jumbo frames.

Dropbox keeps hounding me to upgrade to a paid level - back when they were incentivizing sign-ups with free storage for the inviter and invitee, I spin up several throwaway accounts and VMs to give myself bonus storage (I’m just over 21GB).

It’s plenty for some critical secondary backups of wedding photos, docs, and an encrypted volume or two - but I absolutely cannot see myself paying for even their cheapest tier.