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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Yeah, but I should be able to have them separate as well like I can in every other Linux distro. In TrueNAS they force you to have them in separate subnets for some reason.

I agree, the VM management could be easier. I don’t understand why I can’t have two NICs in the same subnet as long as they have different IPs.

The bigger annoyance for me was there was no way to tell what disk is attached where in the VM device listings since it only shows the boot order and not labels or paths.

Q1: No it shouldn’t matter as long as you didn’t import the pool using device names (sda, sdb, etc…). If you’re using labels or UUIDs (the better option for portability sake). If they do happen to use device names, just export the pool and then reimport it on the same system using labels or UUIDs.

Q2: It should work just fine assuming you’re not using device names for your pools

Q3: it’s just as robust as FreeBSD’s implementation. Once again, see the answer to Q1.

Q4: IMO virtualizing your NAS just adds more headaches and performance overhead compared to running it on bare metal.

Out of my years running TrueNAS on and off, I’ve always had issues with it when doing anything other than using it purely as a storage box. I tried 24.04 a few weeks ago, thinking that most of the issues I had originally when SCALE was launched would be resolved. They weren’t. So I went back to Arch w/OpenZFS…again

5 TB for $150 seems awfully high (didn’t click the link). I’m on my first year (and did it before they doubled their first year prices) and I got 50 TB for $500.

1 TB is $15 for the first year.

Yep, iDrive is the way to go, before they raised their prices I got 50 TB for a year for $500. I moved everything back locally, now I’m just going to use them for off-site backups. You can’t beat $15 for 1 TB for a year.

I think you should start with the basics of Linux instead of diving into the deep end 😉

That’s confused me as well. It probably did a kernel update and then triggered update-grub.

I’m assuming you’ve never built a computer before because even 32 GB of RAM costs more than $150 🤣

The Shield is great for playing media, but it’s definitely not under €100 (at least the last time I checked, I’m also American). Also changing our the launcher doesn’t stop all the “phoning home” that everything does, DNS blocking will help with that though. Also, the hardware isn’t as great as it used to be.

Get an external USB AAA adapter for like $20 or a SATA expander for about the same price.

As someone that used Nginx for close to decade, Caddy is about 10x simpler with the same features. It takes a bit to wrap your head around if you’re used to coming from an “old-school” webserver and proxy like Apache or Nginx though. One of the greatest things about Caddy is that it does SSL by default, so there’s no need to have stanzas in each section saying “listen on 80 and 443, but if you get a connection on 80 redirect it to 443” and another one saying “enable SSL for this (sub)domain”. Creating a reverse proxy in Caddy literally takes three lines and consists of FQDN { reverse_proxy internal-endpoint-name:portNumber }

I had been using Nginx and LetsEncrypt for years and while it worked well most of the time, sometimes it was a bit of a pain, especially due to the verbosity of the Nginx config file. I was using both of them in docker containers and that requires you to have 3 specific environmental variables set for each container.

I tried using Traefik, and while concise, it was still a bit confusing.

I finally decided to give Caddy a try a few months back after hearing about it for years. I’m disappointed that I didn’t try it sooner because it’s so freaking simple to use. I rewrote my entire docker-compose file to use it because it’s that simple. I love how it takes literally 3 lines to create a SSL secured reverse proxy.

Sounds interesting 😀 I’ll keep an eye on it, though I won’t be a primary user, I switched to usenet about a decade ago and only use torrents as a last resort.