• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023

Self hosted AI to train on an existing database
I have a SQL database, and a schema document that goes with it, is there any kind of AI I can self host and train it on this data? The goal would be to ask it simple questions like “from which table in [dbname] can I find a list of products I’ve sold in the last x days” Would be even better if I could ask it to write some queries to find exactly what I’m after. What kind of hardware would I need to run something like this, if it exists?

Not seeing anyone suggesting unRAID… it’s perfect for this kind of thing (from experience). VMs, LXC, Docker & flexible storage options.

Has its own App Store built in as well🤷‍♀️

I need a solution for backing up images and videos from iOS
I currently use Nextcloud and Immich, Nextcloud on iOS is garbage though, it can't auto upload files if they are too big, even with the application open. Immich is great, but is under very active development, so it could break any time. I take backups of the images and store it in my array, and external HDD and Google Drive (encrypted, nothing I upload to G drive is unencrypted). Immich is stores content in a complicated directory structure that goes 3-4 folders deep, I'm hoping to find something that just uploads all my photos and videos to a single folder or two. iCloud only gives me 5GB, and it's almost full, and I dont want to pay for G Drive and iCloud+. Is there another solution I can use to just store photos on my server, that will auto upload from iOS without issue?

Did you get anywhere with this?

+1 for tunnels, easy to use and no port forwarding required

Hosting a website on my domain
I have an unraid server, and run swag to connect to a few of my apps. They all run on subdomain, including matrix and mastodon. My default.conf file in the swag container has some "well-known" parameters set for the above, for delegating from the subdomain to the main domain. Because of this, I'm not sure if I can use the default.conf to point to another apication, or website. What's the best route for setting up a website here? I want www.mydomain.xyz and mydomain.xyz to point to the same site as well. I can easily set up apps on subdomains, but I'm not great with actual web hosting with nginx. Any advice? Edit: turns out this was very easy, just change server_name in default.conf to www.mydomain.xyz and mydomain.xyz and edit the index.html in the www directory, leave the location block with well-known alone. Should've tried before asking😂