• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


  • Back everything up
  • rm -rf /
  • Now rebuild.

Congratulations, you now know what’s required. :-P

Vaultwarden AdGuardHome + Sync Jellyfin + FinAmp + Supersonic Linkding + Linkding Injector LLDAP Calibre-web + Kobo

I think (?) AudioBookShelf will do this?

Gonic supports podcasts and works with Subsonic clients.

If you want to make your NextCloud available to the internet it’s pretty easy (and very reliable) to do so with cloudflare tunnels.

Thanks, will try again. Maybe I just missed something …

I’ve tried this and get weird errors. I followed the instructions carefully (I think!), do you have to do anything special to get it to work?

Unless you are very constrained on resources, using a database per application is much easier.

JMAP was developed by the guys that run FastMail (who are the primary developers of the open source email server Cyrus-IMAP). It’s easier to implement and more performant.

Side note, Cyrus is a pretty amazing mail server. It doesn’t get much love here, but it’s bombproof, fast, supports multi-node clusters, IMAP, NNTP, CalDAV, CardDAV and more that I’m forgetting. It’s just a bit old school as far as configuring goes.

I think there’s a lot of FUD around this. Yes, deliverability can be a PITA, but with a clean IP and good setup it’s usually solvable. Worst case, you can pay a small amount to use a 3rd party SMTP relay and still get most of the benefits of selfhosting. It wasn’t deliverability that made me stop selfhosting it was spam, and it wasn’t that dealing with spam was that hard, it was just annoying.

Copied from [r/selfhosted](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/1520eoi/announcement_allinone_jmap_imap_and_smtp_server/) as seems interesting enough to share with wider audience. > I'm excited to announce the release of Stalwart Mail Server, a single binary solution that combines the Stalwart JMAP, Stalwart IMAP, and Stalwart SMTP servers into one easy-to-install package. > > In response to user feedback, some key enhancements were made. Stalwart Mail Server now supports LDAP and SQL authentication, providing seamless integration with your existing infrastructure. > > For single node setups, RocksDB has been replaced with SQLite with the option of using LiteStream for replication. For larger, distributed setups, support for FoundationDB was added, letting you scale to millions of users without sacrificing performance. Additionally, it is now also possible to store your emails in an S3-compatible storage solution such as MinIO, Amazon S3, or Google Cloud Storage. > > Other notable updates include support for disk quota, subaddressing (or plus addressing) and catch-all addresses. > > Check it out here: https://github.com/stalwartlabs/mail-server > > I look forward to your feedback and questions!

A friend’s pet ferret jumped onto my keyboard once, right as I was typing rm -rf /... on a work machine … exciting!

Atuin: Syncing shell history between servers
I just discovered this. Sync's your shell history between multiple servers. You can use their free, open source server (your history is encrypted) or run your own server. No affiliation with the project, just thought it looked useful! > Atuin is a command-line tool that enables you to make better use of your shell, by giving ctrl-r superpowers. > Every line you write is stored - ready to be queried and run again at any point, from any machine you wish. Never forget again! > Sync your history between all of your machines, and search it from anywhere ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/610318ed-204e-40e7-87b8-1f79713939a1.png)

Uptime-kuma & Docker: Timeouts when monitoring services on same host
Hello. Pretty sure I'm doing something stupid, but I can't find it. I have Caddy and Uptime-kuma installed as Docker containers. They are on the same Docker bridge network. Both work fine (with the below exception). I'm trying to monitor Caddy virtual hosts from Uptime-kuma and getting a timeout. If I exec into the Uptime-kuma container, I can ping the host name I want to monitor (and the DNS is resolving correctly to the Docker hosts external IP). But I can't reach port 80/443 using `telnet` or `openssl`. Any suggestions for what I might be doing wrong? Thanks!

  • AdGuardHome
  • Vaultwarden
  • Linkding (plus Injector Extension)
  • Jellyfin (plus Infuse and FinAmp)
  • Owntone
  • Caddy
  • Pocketbase
  • Uptime-Kuma

I haven’t had a desktop pc in decades and I always forget this is an option. Doh!

That’s a great idea, thanks!

It’ll have to live in my office, and my experience with most rack mount servers is that they are pretty noisy?

Recommendations for JBOD?
It's time to get some storage for the homelab. I could get a Synology, but I'd quite like to build my own using ZFS. However it seems hard (or my Google-fu sucks) to find good, reasonably priced 4 bay JBODs. Most of what I can find either looks very cheap or is almost as expensive as a Synology. Any suggestions?