• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


I’m using Cloudfare for DNS. I’ll check out what they have available.

Looking for help setting up an alternative to DuckDNS
Hi all. I've got an old server PC that I use as a home server. Since my IP address sometimes changes due to my internet provider, I've been using DuckDNS and [this DuckDNS crontab](https://gist.github.com/taichikuji/6f4183c0af1f4a29e345b60910666468) to keep the IP address up to date. But I've been having issues with DuckDNS not working reliably lately, and I thought that since I have a couple of domain names that I'm not using, I might try using one of those instead. Problem is, I don't know where to start, either to get the domain pointing to my IP address, or to keep it updated when my provider changes my IP address. Does anyone know of a guide that can walk me through this?

I agree Reddit is toxic. I’d argue reddit actually stopped being Reddit around 2016. But it’s posts like this that clog it all up and are partially why it is the way it is today.

I gotta agree with this. The toxicity in any reddit thread increases dramatically when the poster pre-emptively complains about all the toxicity they expect to receive. Whereas when you just ask straight without going into a whole speech about comment quality, you get much better replies. Particularly because it’s hijacking your own thread; changing it from whatever question you wanted to ask into an analysis of the comments.