Hi there!

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


What’s the deal with this support person being unaware of how to use basic capitalisation and punctuation in sentences?

We learned that when we were 6.

Deeply, deeply unprofessional. If I had an employee that was this bad at presenting themselves to those outside of the organisation, I’d either insist they learn how to write properly in their own time and apply it at work, or possibly let them go.

It may seem harsh, but they write like a child, and that would reflect very badly on us as a team and organisation in every interaction they had, every day.

If you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Calling a stranger an ass because they’re not living their life exactly how you would, in such a minor unimportant way, is not nice.

I’ve been looking for a tool to do this for YEARS, my god! Years!!! ❤️❤️