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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


I have mixed architecture cluster as well. It works great as long as you set your manifests up properly and either use public images that support both or you build your own, or you set up node affinity to ensure the architecture-specific pod runs only on the node with the correct architecture.

Other than k3s.io’s documentation and tailscale’s documentation, I don’t have any to share, but I don’t mind answering questions if you are stuck.

https://docs.k3s.io/installation https://tailscale.com/kb/1017/install

Install tailscale and k3s on the master node and worker nodes. I have a setup like this and it works well. I have nodes in different physical locations from the master node, it works fine.

I have a small cluster of Pis running k3s kubernetes and running several services for my household. Yea they could all run on a single beefy server but I had fun learning it all.

Are all services running on the same machine? You mentioned same network… you also said you added your “docker instance” to tailscale. I think some clarifications on what those two things mean could help narrow down the problem.

E.g. do you have multiple physical machines running docker containers? Each one you want to access needs to be added to tailscale, OR, set up a tailscale gateway?