• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023

Is It Worthwhile to Serve Video off a Server separate from my NAS?
I have a decent 2 bay synology, but want to put all my docker images/ VMs running on a more powerful machine connected to the same LAN. Does it ever make sense to do the for media serving or will involving an extra device add too much complexity vs just serving from the NAS itself. I was hoping to have calibre/home assistant/tube type services, etc. all running off a mini PC with a Ryzen 7 and 64gb ram vs the NAS. My Linux knowledge is intermediate; my networking knowledge is begintermediate, and I can generally follow documentation okay even if it's a bit above my skill level.

Getting Fiber - Please Help Me Understand Routers
Hi Folks, I host a nextcloud instance, a NAS, and a few content portals for things like ebooks and music (internal only). I'll be migrating Smartthings to Home Assistant eventually. We're going to be upgrading to fiber soon and I have the opportunity to rebuild my wife's network with a long term outlook (we'll likely be here for years). Currently we have an older eero mesh system over cable internet. My desk is right where the cable currently comes in so all my Ethernet devices can live near the router. My question is this: What am I missing out on as a self-hoster by using whatever equipment metronet gives me? What am I missing out on as a regular internet user by using the default equipment. Am I likely to be annoyed about where the fiber comes into the house? If it makes sense to buy my own router or access point(s), what is a reasonable balance between "daddy Bezos please read all my emails" and "you'll never be secure until you build a router from custom circuit boards you custom ordered and hand assembled in a secure area". I'd like to avoid complex configuration, but if I can surface advanced options when needed, that would be great. My Linux knowledge is intermediate. My networking knowledge is begintermediate.

This appears to be what I’ve been looking for. I can’t wait to try it. Thanks for sharing.

You mean after the price hike they also hiked the number of ads? I canceled when they hiked the price and managed to get it down to the old price a few months later, so I renewed for the personal heatmap. Looks like I’m definitely canceling again. I doubt they’ll give me the price break twice anyway.

Baking ads into a timeline like Strava and some other apps do has to be the worst app trend ever.

I chose Nextcloud as my first project because I had an interest in the project for a while. I did an old fashioned install which I later rebuilt with docker. I learned a lot doing it manually twice first. I echo the others. Find a project you like, preferably with its own community so you can ask for help when you inevitably mess something up.

I won’t update without first creating an image of the server to roll back to. Like others on here, the web updater almost always fails and goes into maintenance mode and I have to ssh in to fix it.

Having said that, functionally, I have no issues. Only when upgrading does the whole thing shit the bed.

That was a perfect one sentence summary of the article!

Its amazing some of the things people come up with like gathering intel on what a computer is doing via power draw changes, monitoring an air-gapped computers electromagnetic fields, or in this case “cryogenically” freezing ram with compressed air.

Sharing this article as I think it ties in with this conversation well: https://www.zdnet.com/article/cryogenically-frozen-ram-bypasses-all-disk-encryption-methods/

I do want to say that for most people, this is likely NOT a concern, but I don’t know OPs threat model.

Considering Hosting NAS/Server
Hello SelfHosted! I've been a Linux enthusiast since ~2006, but I still have gaps in my knowledge and I would not consider myself a "fully-competent" Linux server admin at this point in time. I have to read a lot and ask a lot of questions to figure out things more knowledgeable users may do in their sleep. I'm gonna call myself "begintermediate". I'm working on simplifying my storage, backups, and general digital hygiene. I have multiple devices split across two locations and I end up having to use hard drives to periodically move files back over to my main desktop for sorting and archiving. If I want to access older files, I have to copy them from my main storage on the desktop to a hard drive, my NextCloud, or whatever device I want to access them on. I would like to avoid this drudgery by moving my file storage to a NAS (don't really even need access outside the network, though it could be useful if I understood it enough to keep it secure). I also hope to simplify by backups in some way because currently all my devices just back up to a different pair of portable drives one of which I hand-carry offsite. **Requirements:** - 4TB+ storage to start - Expandability, I don't know how storage needs will change over time, but 32TB seems like a fair upper end before wanting to update the whole system. - Would like to be able to run a few docker images for things like media server, open project, restyaboard, etc. I'm not sure if it makes sense to do this on the NAS or just get a simple NAS and do this stuff in a VM on my laptop or with a Rasberry Pie. - I don't particularly want to spend more than $600 to get started, but wouldn't mind having empty bays for later as I currently don't have too much data. **Usage:** - 1-4 TB (someday up to 32TB) of files (docs, books, photos, videos, device backups, configs & code snippets, etc.) - Video, Photo, Music Access via Android Devices - Video and Photo access via a media portal (like plex or open media vault) - Would consider moving nextcloud here (currently on the public cloud) if uplink is fast enough. - Some sort of access via iDevice would be nice in case I want to give another some storage space. **Questions:** 1. Does it make sense to mix my uses, i.e. media server, open project, etc. co-existing with file server for my docs and general files. Can I segregate portions for only local access? 2. I don't have tons of time to maintain this. Nextcloud hasn't been a pain, I log in here and there and make sure everything is updated (nextcloud and the server) and I run the NextCloud security scan to make sure I get an A+. Does it make sense to go for something like the better Synology NASs that can run docker images or would it provide better affordability/functionality to use a mini-pc or a FBmarketplace/craigslist slim pc hooked up to a drive enclosure or something else frankenstein-y. I don't mind doing basic maintenance, but I can't afford to spend every other weekend rebuilding things. 3. I have a dead WD MyBook Live and MyBook Cloud on my shelf. WD never updated them to fix the critical security issues, I missed the 40% off upgrade window, and they're not safe to run with network access. They also sucked even when they were new. I want to avoid products doomed to become dead-end abandonware before I'm ready to upgrade. Are there NAS brands that are known to be better/worse with this? How does homemade NAS fare as far as hardware support and having to upgrade/rebuild when OS versions change. 4. Can I purchase/build a simple NAS that I use for storage and serve the files for my media server through a different device like my laptop? Is this better/worse than just streaming from the NAS itself or will I not notice in most cases? 5. It sounds like some of the pre-built machines can use drives of different sizes which would allow me to re-use the barely used drives inside of the WD devices. Do any of the self-build solutions allow for this. 6. I would LOVE some book/media/community recommendations for digital hygiene and how to handle store, backup, maintain the deluge of information in our modern lives. All in all, I would appreciate any insight on a solution that gives a good balance between features & configuration, affordability. and maintenance time-investment. I figure a community of enthusiasts is a better place to learn than marketing copy. Thank you for any help you can provide!

Will This Setup Work? - Nextcloud/Lemmy/PixelFed
Hi folks, My Nextcloud server has been complaining about being out of date for a while and I finally figured out I needed to update Debian, not extcloud. I managed that, but nextcloud choked on the update when I went to bring it up to date and I've been wanting to do it all over again and hopefully understand the process a little bitter the second time around. I have a server on the public cloud (think AWS/Azure/Linode/Digital Ocean) with Docker running on it. Is it feasible for me to load up namecheap, lemmy, and pixelfed on the same server in separate docker containers? Anything I should be aware of before trying this? I worked in the cloud (once again think MS/Amazon/Big Tech), but my role was only partially technical though I have been a GNU-Linux tinkerer since 2005 or so. That is to say, I have no idea what I'm doing, but I can generally read documentation okay. I believe my previous install was directly to the server via the repos.