Just a dad with a sysadmin hobby … leaving reddit

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Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


TBH have you tried just basic git? There’s a web interface built into git itself and you can use ssh for your repositories. It’s simple and just works. If you need a faster web interface there’s also cgit. There’s no bells and whistles either. Just configure ssh, drop your repos in /srv and get to work.

If you need more that just standard basic git the. The other suggestions here are great especially forgjo!

I use backblaze b2 for my storage. I use restic to backup everything to it. It works well and I’ve had it going for YEARS at this point. For things I could never replaced, like photos, I use external drives in addition to B2. Everyone knows that if something happens and we need to leave to just grab the drive that is stuck to the wall and the family photos will be safe.

My though process goes like this, everything backups to my home server. I have snap shots of the data on a normal basis. So if I need to get something back, going to a snap shot is pretty simple. If for some reason my server(s) just stopped existing for some reason I could pull it back from B2. I’ve only had to actually restore from B2 a handful of times and it was worth it.

Fedora Server, Rocky Linux, and/or Free RHEL dev license. That’s what I use for all of my stuff.

For containers I use podman kube. For storage I use ZFS and VDO.

That’s really neat! Thanks!!

I’ve found nextcloud to be slow too when dealing with 10s of GB or more of data. Anything less that seems to be fine. I don’t use it myself for that reason.

The synology stuff is neat but I personally wouldn’t use it. There’s a lot of stuff that is abstracted away from you and when you run into a problem it’s not easy to resolve. Plus you’re already running things that can do more.

If you want something like it casaos would be worth a look. You just take a base install of Debian 12 and run their script on it. You’ll get the ease of use that synology has without it fighting you when you want to do something different.

Once you have that going it’s just as simple as getting next cloud going and anything else you want. Which is just one click in the webui. It can manage all the containers you have running on the Fedora vm too. So your reverse proxy, blocky, etc shouldn’t be a problem to run on there.

Unless you REALLY want the synology apps and stuff like that. If that’s the case they go with xpenoloy.

I use RHEL/Rocky 8 for all my home server stuff mostly because i like my home server stuff boring and stable.

Since you were considering TrueNAS, maybe consider something like Debian/Ubuntu + CasaOS. That will give you a good base and webui to work with.

It’s not going to be a lean as it could be but it should give you enough guard rails and hand holding to get you started. Then you can figure out the rest of your needs from there. If you don’t like it you can always wipe it and try again with something else.

I’d stay away from the TrueNAS, Unraid, Proxmox, etc. mostly due to your hardware and that it’s your first home server.

They’re not bad at all, but a lot of the stuff is abstracted from you and since you’re more than likely going to want to tinker with it having a standardized base install with a distro that has a lot of documentation is going to be very helpful.

Came here to say the same thing.

At the end of the day you simply can not beat unreasonable effectiveness of plaintext.

4K and on my P2000 or using Intel QSV isn’t a great experience. I can totally see it not being a good experience on a P4000 too.

That being said with HDR work 1080 it works with both QSV and the P2000. So it should work like a champ on the P4000. I don’t really have any HDR displays so I don’t really grab that many things in HDR so YMMV.

The best advice I can offer is if the content is transcoded into a mp4 container with the ATOM upfront ( aka fast start / web) and you’re not using subtitles it will work okay-ish as long as you do not pause it. Using the mkv container is just asking for sadness in my experience with it. Though at this point if I need to do that I just transcode into AV1, burn the subs into it, and pass through the audio.

I use Backblaze B2 and restic. Just a simple systemd unit & timer setup to kick off the backup. I also have a restic repo setup on a external drive for my most important things eg family photos. I try to follow the 3,2,1 rule as much as possible. Fedora magazine has two articles on the site about setting up restic like that. They’re pretty helpful if you need pointers.

If there’s something I want to share or don’t need/want encrypted I’ll just use rclone to sync it to B2.

Backups are very cheap with B2, restores can be costly. But cost less than something like AWS Glacier. So it’s my last resort for restoring things. Mostly I rely on snapshots in the case that I delete something by accident. (Check out SANOID)

I also have all my other systems using B2. I have a bucket setup for all of my family’s laptops that they backup too as well. Keeps everyone’s data safe.

If you have some data that required putting on an eyepatch & tricorn (Yarr me matey) to acquire and you don’t care about loosing it then don’t back that up.

Edit: I also keep my important data on set of mirrored pairs. It’s not space efficient but it does the job of keeping things performant and safe. Eventually I’ll expand that past 3 pairs but for right now it’s 3 pairs (6 drives) of 10TB disks.

Anything else that isn’t important is just on a small Z1 array. I put all my older drives on that array because they would just be on a shelf doing nothing otherwise so I don’t care about wasting storage on that array. Not a recommended practice at all. So do as I say not as I do kinda thing.

Look at your SMART data and run some tests. Reseat the SATA cables too. I’ve had that cause problems. Even had a SATA cable go bad a few times over the years. That will cause you to get these kinds of errors too. ZFS is pretty paranoid about data loss. So if it even gets a small hint that something is wrong it does t his.

At this point it really comes down to how valuable the data is to you. Most of the time when I see this error I’m not seeing anything on SMART that would lead me to believe that there’s a problem. So I’ll clear the error and watch it. If I start to get the same problem with the same drive I’ll usually replace it when I can. That being said I have pretty good backups so it would inconvenience me a lot but it’s most likely not going to be the end of the world if my drive dies on me. YMMV