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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


Hi again !

You guessed right: I indeed use those files on my computer very occasionally and I’d rather make a shortcut / alias (like you rightly suggested) than mounting the share at every boot. True, if you have quality disks (which are getting more difficult to find nowadays) you shouldn’t be worried about wear.

On a side note I could do my tag editing just fine, thanks again for your help!

You’re absolutely right! I’m not super tech-savvy and I was convinced that those file sharing protocols were more or less equivalent (I only tried to compare in terms of speed). I never payed much attention to it because my other computers were doing fine with one or the other.

Thanks! That’s a great reference and I’ll keep that in my bookmarks 👍

Eventually (with help from others) I mounted the share with

sudo mount -o rw,soft,intr,nfsvers=4 192.your.NAS.IP:/volumeNAME/some-path /nfs

(I don’t put it on my fstab to save a bit of wear on my NAS)


Thanks for your help! I did setup my NAS share as NFS capable, and I mapped the users as admin. Using the command mentioned in my other comment I could mount the share successfully and find it in several applications. Cheers!

No worries, using your tip and others’ comments I could setup the whole thing. Cheers!

Thank you for your feedback, I’ll have to check on the machine later today. So far, I thought that the share had to be mounted once (on Nemo file manager for instance) so I could find it on the applications. If so, I did it already and it’s not showing anywhere else on the software I mentioned.

By the way if you have a suggestion of an application that works for you on this kind of setup I’d be glad to try.

How do you work / mount with files stored on your Synology NAS on Ubuntu linux?
Hi all, I recently decided to make the switch from Windows to Ubuntu (Pop_OS) and I'm struggling to setup my NAS on my new OS. I can mount my folders without issues and access them on different file managers (Nemo, Dolphin), but I'm having issues accessing them *from my installed applications*. For example if I want to modify tags for my audio files (which takes 80% on my Synology drives) I cannot find them in the application(s). I can't right click on the files and use 'open with' and I cannot drag n' drop the files to the tag editor, so I try to find the with the applications: - Ex Falso:  no network share is available on the sidebar / navigation bar, nothing in 'other locations' - Puddletag: same - NTag : same How are we supposed to make this work? I just want to be able to access my files without having to download them on my local disk and send them back to my Synology every time I want to do this.