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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


The key needs to be available to continue to be able to decrypt the data on the device. All encrypted data is not decrypted as you mount or unlock your encrypted device, that is done one the fly as you use it.

The attack you are thinking of should also not be relevant. What you worry about appears to imply that you are more concerned about the key being protected, rather than the data the key protects. You seem to wish to have your decrypted data available, but not the key.

[Help] Setting up your own e-mail/smtp for alerts?
Hi, I'm looking for some way to send my own alerts via e-mail in some way. Whenever I try to search for this, most docker images have a much grander goal, and I have a hard time understanding how to use them for my purpose. What would I want? It'd be nice to have a docker running some smpt-server (I suppose), so that I can make my own python script that scrapes a website, looks at some metric, and e-mails me whenever whatever I'm looking for is found. I only want it to be available on and to receive mails from localhost, no dns, just forward e-mails to my personal one, no web-interface, etc. I'm quite new to self-hosting, but I hope you still understand what I'm looking for. Is it possible? Should I look for another solution? Will this not work? Any help/input very much welcome.