• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I don’t need it. Realistically I just just memorize my IP and wouldn’t have to worry about it. I was just checking for convenience sake.

What modern solutions are there similar to dyndns?
Hi, started self hosting quite a few things and would like a domain to use for when I'm out and about instead of having to remember what my IP is currently. What are the newest providers of services that can accomplish this?

Well the reason I ask that, probably annoyingly, is because I listen to them on Rhythmbox when I’m at home. So I was hoping there would be an easy way to just sync it all up to my phone, but I’m guessing there’s not really a way after looking through the suggestions here and searching google for solutions. I’ll give the suggestions made here a go and if I can’t get it to work properly, I can always just move the files over and remember what episode I am on. (This podcast is 200+ episodes and 20GBs in size.)

So this can support syncing the files that Rhythmbox downloads to my android device? Or does it work another way?

Sorry, this is my first time mucking about with podcast stuff outside listening on youtube/spotify.