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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2023


That’s insane. I would consider a ipv4 -> ipv6 cloud hosted haproxy style setup if this was my only option.

i would just ask for an Ipv4 address. I asked Vodafone for one and they just gave it to me for free.

Yes. The left side of the : in the volume is the file on the host. You can see this directory on the host. The right side of the : is where that directory is replicated into the docker container.

All you need to do is to interact with the directory on the host.

You should use volumes over bind. You just move your media into the volume location on the local host and try will show up in docker. You should never need to ssh or sftp into the container.

There is a lot here but I think the most important thing is that docker containers should always be disposable. Don’t put any data into the container ever.

All of your data and configuration should be done in volumes. Local disk to inside the container is all you really need.

By doing this you make updating any given docker container easy as just pulling the newest tagged version of the container. If you are using docker and not podman you can use tools like watchtower to do this automatically.

As for what distro, it depends on your goals. Do you want to learn and improve your skills? Stick with Fedora or Rocky or Debian or openSUSE. I recommend learning the command line as you go, but if you want a nice UI openSUSE has Yast which is a very robust tool.

If you want to just have a home NAS but don’t want to learn that’s a different question. In this case if you’re getting a proprietary NAS anyway you could just get one that supports docker (like synology) and kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

Right now Forgejo is a drop in replacement. This article is them announcing that Forgejo will eventually not be one.

Because gitea is fully the victim of corporate capture. Any PRs that make gitea better in a way that would reduce the main corporate “sponsor” profit are rejected.

The company has a conflict of interest with the community and it shows. Forgejo is sponsored by a non profit open source cooperative.

+1 For Seafile. They put out a docker image that works well. It hasthe fastest sync I’ve ever seen and it has good clients.

No problem. It should be wayyy faster than sshfs for the record. Both NFS and WireGuard are best in class tools.

NFS over WireGuard is probably going to be the best when it comes to encrypted file shares without the need to set up Kerberos. Just set up the WireGuard tunnel and export over those ips.

I use route53 APIs and just directly update the AAAA and A records. Set a low TTL and you don’t really have to worry about any middle men services.

All you need is a simple script.

+1 For Gitea. Works really well for me. It recently added GitHub style actors so you can use GitHub style CI/CD too!

If you are doing just local syncs the simplest solution might be rsync.

As for a solution with nice software clients, I use Seafile. Nextcloud is nice but it’s incredibly slow to sync files in my experience.

Another local option might be syncthing.

As for backup I use Rclone to do encrypted backups to GCPs Archive Srorage tier. The price is really good at $0.0012 USD / GB. 1TB of backups is like $1.25 USD per month. Be warned though retrieval costs are high.