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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


Moving off from port 22 is effectively just security by obscurity. It will save you some logs but the bandwidth and CPU time saving is negligible - especially with fail2ban.

In context of self hosting it’s probably worth pointing out, that SQLite specifically mentions NFS on their How To Corrupt An SQLite Database File page.

SQLite is used in many popular services people run at home. Often as only or default option, because it does not require external service to work.

I was kind of the same, but I still collected metrics, because I just love graphs.

Over time I ended up setting alerts for failures I wish I was aware of earlier. Some examples:

  • HDD monitoring - usually drive is showing signs of failure couple days before it fails, so I have time to shop around for replacement. If I had no alert set, I’d probably only notice when both sides of a mirror failed which would mean couple days of downtime, lot of work with backup restoration and very limited time to find drive for reasonable price
  • networking issues - especially VPN, it’s much better to know that it is broken before you leave house
  • some core services like DNS. With two Adguard instances it’s much better to be alerted when one is down, than to realize that you suddenly have no DNS when both fail and you can’t even google stuff without messing with your connection settings.
  • SSD writes - same as HDDs, but in this case the alert is around 90% declared TBW lifetime claimed by manufacturer and I tend to replace them proactively as they are usually used as system disk without mirror, which holds no valuable data, but would again lead to extended unplanned downtime
  • CPU usage being maxed out for long time - I had one service fail in a way where it consumed 100% of all cores. This had no impact on other services because process scheduler did its job, but I ended up burning kilowats of electricity as this continued unnoticed for weeks. This was before energy prices went up, but it was still noticeable power consumption. (Had double CPU server back then, that consumed a lot of juice when maxed out)

You can’t really go wrong with any of those. They are both very solid options. Having said that, if I had to recommend one, I’d go with Adguard, because:

  • The interface is better. Most notably the query log interface. Searching the logs with some long time span makes Pihole spike in memory usage and is super slow. (there’s no server-side pagination)
  • Custom filters are more powerful thanks to modifiers, which AFAIK Pihole does not support. Some of it can be configured via dnsmasq (without user friendly interface), some I had not found any solution for. Good example is dnstype modifier, which I sometimes use to block AAAA responses for sites, that have set AAAA records, but the service actually does not work over IPv6. So I can disable IPv6 for certain domains if I need to. (or other way around, force IPv6 only)

Some of the above might have changed, I haven’t used Pihole for about a year.

I don’t see Docspell mentioned anywhere, but it’s really cool document management system. Similar to Paperless, but with pretty easy way to extend functionality via addons if you need to add some extra automation when ingesting the documents.

It kind of depends on what are your priorities. In my experience it’s usually much easier to upgrade to latest version from previous version, than to jump couple versions ahead, because you didn’t have time doing upgrades recently…

When you think about it, from the development point of view, the upgrade from previous to last version is the most tested path. The developers of the service probably did exactly this upgrade themselves. Many users probably did the same and reported bugs. When you’re upgrading from version released many months ago to the current stable, you might be the only one with such combination of versions. The devs are also much more likely to consider all the changes that were introduced between the latest versions.

If you encounter issue upgrading, how many people will experience the same problem with your specific versions combination? How likely are you to see issue on GitHub compared to a bunch of people that are always upgrading to latest?

Also moving between latest versions, there’s only limited set of changes to consider if you encounter issues. If you jumped 30 versions ahead, you might end up spending quite some time figuring out which version introduced the breaking change.

Also no matter how carefully you look at it, there’s always a chance that the upgrade fails and you’ll have to rollback. So if you don’t mind a little downtime, you can just let the automation do the job and at worst you’ll do the rollback from backup.

It’s also pretty good litmus test. If service regularly breaks when upgrading to latest without any good reason, perhaps it isn’t mature enough yet.

We’re obviously talking about home lab where time is sometimes limited, but some downtime usually not a problem.

This project is using Home Assistant, but the ESPHome configuration is really simple, so perhaps you could adapt it to work without HA?

I’m sort of working on something similar but it’s not complete at all. The idea is that my doorbell will post message to MQTT where I have automation in place to snap a picture and post message to Matrix that someone’s at the door.

The esp32 devices have pretty limited HW, so you have to keep your expectations low if you don’t want to outsource the automation to some external system. You could however definitely do simple things like HTTP post on button press. Which is enough to send a message via some chat or push notification to your phone.

I have some blog post WIP around this that is specifically trying to avoid Home Assistant because there are a ton of tutorials out there for HA already.