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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


One thing to keep in mind is that the websocket sync is not straightforward to set up with vaultwarden and the proxy. If you don’t have it working, then your client does not necessarily sync on every change.

Maybe this is related to this, with sync not being performed by the client you were using for modification?

I don’t know if there is any specific utilities for that. You can always export your settings and reimplement them in lldap: this should be doable with a python script.

I never really understand why LDAP was so complicated. There must be needs in big setups that I am aware of but strangely I always found it not intuitive.

It supports a proper sync (my wife’s shared events do show up on my phone and I can modify them there) and the address book is specific to each user by default, but you can create shared address books as well. Again, that is synced two ways.

For LDAP, by default nextcloud only reads it. But you can enable LDAP writing as well.

I do this with nextcloud (and lldap for the user management). Though that could probably be overkill for just contacts and calendars.

I’ll provide an ELI5, though if you actually want to use it you’ll have to go beyond ELI5.

You contact a web service via a combination of IP address and port. For the sake of simplicity, we can assume that domain name is equivalent to IP address. You can then compare domain name/port with street name/street number: you need both to actually find someone. By default, some street numbers are really standard, like 443 is for regular encrypted connection. But you can have any service on any street number, it’s just less nice and less standard. This is usually done on closed networks.

Now what happens if you have a lot of services and you want all of them reachable at address 443? Well basically you are now in the same situation as a business building with a lobby. Whenever you want to contact a service, you go to 443, ask the reception what floor they are in, and they will direct you there. The reception desk is your proxy: just making sure you talk to the right people.

I did consider it, and I have not cancelled the old one yet. But that becomes more expensive than migrating to the higher end plan without CG NAt of the provider.

Indeed, the way they did that makes me quite angry. But at the same time, that’s 1Gbps vs 20Mbps upload, and I was struggling with the limitation when working from home sometimes. The one one is also cheaper so if the tunneling option works without too much pain, I’d be willing to give it a go.

ISP not offering port forwarding anymore
Hello everyone, I would need some advice on my setup. I had an ISP with basic DSL 60/20Mbps and I was hosting my services at home with SWAG as a main proxy, opening the ports. I ordered 2 days ago a plan with a new ISP for a 1Gbps line, that offered port forwarding as well. The installation was done today and it turns out they retired the port forwarding on my offer yesterday. I can see potentially 3 choices: 1) stay with the old ISP and the slow-ish line. My main issue was the uplink speed that made off-site backup a pain 2) go with the new ISP but order the higher speed plan that is £25/month more expensive, and without a proper guarantee that they will keep offering the port forwarding 3) use the non-port forwarding option, but rent a small VPS that would act as a front-end (through zerotier/tailscale/direct wireguard), paying a small latency cost when accessing remotely. I am not fully sure about the pros and cons of the different ways on the last option. I would be kin on keeping my home server fully capable, the point of me self-hosting being to cope with temporary disconnection at home. But then you can either have an IP table routing in the VPS to forward everything on the used port, or have another nginx proxy there to redirect everything. And I am not fully sure VPS providers are generally OK with this kind of use. Has anyone got a similar setup to option 3 and would have some advices? *Edit 1: Thanks a lot for your comments everyone!* *I got a small VPS (not the cheapest one yet) and setup a wireguard tunnel following [this principle](https://serverfault.com/questions/1104101/nginx-reverse-proxy-through-wireguard-tunnel) and it seems to be working so far. I'll monitor a bit the situation as I have 14 days to cancel my plan. I'll also see how it works for gitea running in docker in the NAT and ssh forwarding, I suspect this will be a fun endeavour.* *I decided to avoid using cloudflare tunnel. And I am avoiding using a nginx proxy at the moment as I would need to ensure the certificates are properly synced between the two (or maybe letsencrypt allows you to have two certificates for the same domain?)*